httprb / http

HTTP (The Gem! a.k.a. http.rb) - a fast Ruby HTTP client with a chainable API, streaming support, and timeouts
MIT License
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SSLERROR occurred when running http method in the executable file: certificate verify failed. #749

Closed Vucius closed 1 year ago

Vucius commented 1 year ago

I was able to run my GUI program normally under RubyMine. Here is the test code:

require 'http'
require 'glimmer-dsl-libui'
require 'json'

class MyWindow
  include Glimmer

  def initialize
    @main_window = window('Hello, World!', 300, 200) {
      horizontal_box {
        @label = label('Hello, Glimmer DSL for LibUI!')
        button('Click me!') {
          on_clicked do
            sss = returnstr
            msg_box('Hello', sss)

      on_closing do
        puts 'Closing window...'

  def show

def returnstr
  ccoo = 'my_cookie'
  aim_url = ''
  submissionlist_data_query =
      "query": "\n    query submissionList($offset: Int!, $limit: Int!, $lastKey: String, $questionSlug: String!, $lang: Int, $status: Int) {\n  questionSubmissionList(\n    offset: $offset\n    limit: $limit\n    lastKey: $lastKey\n    questionSlug: $questionSlug\n    lang: $lang\n    status: $status\n  ) {\n    lastKey\n    hasNext\n    submissions {\n      id\n      title\n      titleSlug\n      status\n      statusDisplay\n      lang\n      langName\n      runtime\n      timestamp\n      url\n      isPending\n      memory\n      hasNotes\n    }\n  }\n}\n    ",
      "variables": {
        "questionSlug": 'two-sum',
        "offset": 0,
        "limit": 20,
        "lastKey": nil
      "operationName": "submissionList"
  submissionlist_data_header = {
    'content-type' => 'application/json',
    'Cookie' => ccoo
  #ctx =
  #ctx.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
  #submissionlist_data =, :body => submissionlist_data_query.to_json, :headers => submissionlist_data_header, :ssl_context => ctx)
submissionlist_data =, :body => submissionlist_data_query.to_json, :headers => submissionlist_data_header
  p submissionlist_data.code
  submissionlist_data_json = JSON.load(submissionlist_data.body)
  p submissionlist_data_json

my_window =

However, when I used ocra to package the .rb file into an .exe and ran the .exe, the program crashed.

After disabling certificate verification and repackaging the .exe, the program ran normally.

Although the problem was solved, I am still confused about whether it is an issue with httprb or ocra. I did not continue to investigate and just wanted to share this information here.

tarcieri commented 1 year ago

Certificate verification is handled by Ruby/OpenSSL, at a layer much lower than http.rb.

It sounds like there is something wrong with the certificates in the system truststore.