httptoolkit / frida-interception-and-unpinning

Frida scripts to directly MitM all HTTPS traffic from a target mobile application
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
905 stars 178 forks source link #31

Open kiyokodyele opened 1 year ago

kiyokodyele commented 1 year ago

Tried it on Nike app:

Frida on terminal returned error below:

Process crashed: java.lang.NullPointerException: interceptor returned null

Just to make sure, I tried it on Twitter and it works.

pimterry commented 1 year ago

From the path there, that looks a lot like this is a Nike-specific certificate pinning hook. You can learn how to fix that here:

I suspect the null pointer error is due to the auto-patching hook (here) which is spotting this method and disabling it, but which isn't able to work out what the method should return in this case, and null isn't working.

If you do get a hook that works to fix this, a PR to the script in this repo would be very welcome! If you're interested by the way, HTTP Toolkit Pro is totally free for contributors to all related projects like this, and that would definitely qualify.

yoshimo commented 1 year ago

you can also try , it can get uri, json and base64 data out even if the cert pinning can't be broken.