httptoolkit / frida-interception-and-unpinning

Frida scripts to directly MitM all HTTPS traffic from a target mobile application
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Netty: wrong target class #62

Open ytoku opened 5 months ago

ytoku commented 5 months ago

For Netty, the current version patches the checkTrusted method in io.netty.handler.ssl.util.FingerprintTrustManagerFactory.

But actual checkTrusted method is in an anonymous inner class such as io.netty.handler.ssl.util.FingerprintTrustManagerFactory$2.

The first version which has checkTrusted method: netty-4.0.20.Final

The latest version: netty-4.1.101Final

pimterry commented 5 months ago

Ah, good catch! Thanks for reporting that. It looks like its actually been around since 4.0 (since but you're right regardless, it's always an inner class.

Can you tweak the hook to fix that, test that it does work correctly for you, and then open a PR?

ytoku commented 5 months ago

Changing to FingerprintTrustManagerFactory$2 is an easy fix.

But I wonder if a compiler always names it as FingerprintTrustManagerFactory$2. Could it be FingerprintTrustManagerFactory$1? One possible robust design is to enumerate anonymous inner classes and patches specified methods.

May I open a PR only supporting for FingerprintTrustManagerFactory$2?

pimterry commented 5 months ago

May I open a PR only supporting for FingerprintTrustManagerFactory$2?

Yep, go for it :+1:

My understanding is that anonymous inner classes are stored with numbers as $x based on the order they appear in the source file. This is the 2nd inner class (the first being the FastThreadLocal just above).

So it looks like $2 will be correct for all releases so far, over the 9 years since this was added, and if it changes in future releases then we can always update to add more extra cases as required.

ytoku commented 5 months ago

I have tried to test the above change, but I have found some problems.

Testing application:

  1. In netty-4.1.104Final (I tested), the anonymous inner class becomes FingerprintTrustManagerFactory$1. Because TrustManager anonymous class is placed before FastThreadLocal anonymous class.
  2. Native SSLContext patch is enough to bypass pinning of my testing application. I have no idea how to use FingerprintTrustManagerFactory without SSLContext. When I remove Native SSLContext patch, the patch for FingerprintTrustManagerFactory$1 works correctly.
pimterry commented 5 months ago

In netty-4.1.104Final (I tested), the anonymous inner class becomes FingerprintTrustManagerFactory$1. Because TrustManager anonymous class is placed before FastThreadLocal anonymous class.

Huh, that's surprising! I think it's fine though - just add two identical patches (for $1 and $2) and it will just skip the other one anyway (since it won't find a matching checkTrusted method in FastThreadLocal).

It's a bit messy, but I think that's OK at this stage, it's not a big problem. It'd be very helpful if you could add comments explaining that (and preferably documenting the versions the patches apply to, if you can work that out) so we remember what's going on here later on.