httptoolkit / httptoolkit-server

The backend of HTTP Toolkit
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Can I run the`httptoolkit-server` as a remote service? #75

Closed vaseala closed 1 year ago

vaseala commented 1 year ago

I want to run the httptoolkit-server and httptoolkit-ui on the server, and then install httptoolkit-android on the phone, the phone and the server are not in the same wifi. I just want to view some requests on the phone from the server's UI, and don't want to modify anything.Is this possible? Or the server running the httptoolkit-server and the mobile phone running the httptoolkit-android must be on the same wifi?

pimterry commented 1 year ago

As is, basically no, but you might be able to bodge together some changes to make it work...

There's at least a few main issues:

Those are just the cases I'm aware of though, I'm sure there are other problems! I would actually like to solve all that and add built-in support for this eventually (tracked in but it's not available yet, so if you do get this working or find other issues, please do share them on that issue :smile:.

vaseala commented 1 year ago

Thank you @pimterry for such a detailed answer, I can feel that you love the httptoolkit project very much.

I am still a novice in this field, and my ability can only reach the use level at present.

I sorted out my needs again, and my needs should be mainly on the android side: First of all, I need a vpn tool (let's call it vpn-app) on the android side, which can monitor http/https requests from other apps on the phone. vpn-app can automatically POST these request data to a server, similar to sending an http post request to a backend server. As long as I can set the server and RESTful interface in this vpn-app, of course, it would be better if I can set whether to submit these data automatically or manually.

I feel that I should create a new issue under the httptoolkit-android repository, but I feel that this requirement is inconsistent with the original intention of httptoolkit-android.So don't take this as a issue, but as a simple communication between friends. I hope you can recommend some apps that meet the needs I described above or give me some related suggestions.