httpwg / httpbis-issues

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broken sentence in description of 206 #508

Closed mnot closed 3 years ago

mnot commented 10 years ago

"When multiple ranges are requested, a server MAY coalesce any of the ranges that overlap or that are separated by a gap that is smaller than the overhead of sending multiple parts, regardless of the order in which the corresponding byte-range-spec appeared in the received Range header field."

Reported by, migrated from

mnot commented 10 years ago

Actually, it's not broken but somehow complicated due to the long qualification of what ranges this applies to ("that overlap or that are separated by a gap that is smaller than the overhead of sending multiple parts").

Maybe we should rephrase this.

mnot commented 10 years ago changed severity from In WG Last Call to In IETF LC

mnot commented 10 years ago commented:

From 2476:

add a comma; addresses #508

mnot commented 10 years ago