hturner / PlackettLuce

PlackettLuce package for Plackett-Luce models in R
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predict Deviance not working #32

Closed kauedesousa closed 5 years ago

kauedesousa commented 5 years ago

I figured out that function deviance() return the same result when used with or without the argument newdata. Is that correct? Here an example from "beans" data.

` library(PlackettLuce)

example("beans", package = "PlackettLuce") G <- grouped_rankings(R, rep(seq_len(nrow(beans)), 4)) formula <- as.formula("G ~ maxTN") d <- cbind(G, beans)

split the data into a training and test sample

n <- nrow(d) s <- sample(1:n, n*0.7) train <- d[s, ] test <- d[-s, ]

fit the model with training data

mod <- pltree(formula, data = train)

predict estimates on test data based on fitted model

predict(mod, newdata = test)

the AIC of fitted model


the AIC predicted using the test data

AIC(mod, newdata = test) #different than value above (prediction is working)

the deviance of fitted model


the deviance predicted using the test data

deviance(mod, newdata = test) #same as the value above (prediction not working)

Does deviance, when using a test data for prediction, should be like this?:

AIC <- AIC(mod, newdata = test) df <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") AIC - (2*df) `

hturner commented 5 years ago

Yes, deviance() is designed to return the deviance of the fitted model object.

However you can obtain the deviance with new data using AIC.pltree() as you show in your last 3 lines of code, that is correct.