I figured out that function deviance() return the same result when used with or without the argument newdata. Is that correct? Here an example from "beans" data.
example("beans", package = "PlackettLuce")
G <- grouped_rankings(R, rep(seq_len(nrow(beans)), 4))
formula <- as.formula("G ~ maxTN")
d <- cbind(G, beans)
split the data into a training and test sample
n <- nrow(d)
s <- sample(1:n, n*0.7)
train <- d[s, ]
test <- d[-s, ]
fit the model with training data
mod <- pltree(formula, data = train)
predict estimates on test data based on fitted model
predict(mod, newdata = test)
the AIC of fitted model
the AIC predicted using the test data
AIC(mod, newdata = test) #different than value above (prediction is working)
the deviance of fitted model
the deviance predicted using the test data
deviance(mod, newdata = test) #same as the value above (prediction not working)
Does deviance, when using a test data for prediction, should be like this?:
I figured out that function deviance() return the same result when used with or without the argument newdata. Is that correct? Here an example from "beans" data.
` library(PlackettLuce)
example("beans", package = "PlackettLuce") G <- grouped_rankings(R, rep(seq_len(nrow(beans)), 4)) formula <- as.formula("G ~ maxTN") d <- cbind(G, beans)
split the data into a training and test sample
n <- nrow(d) s <- sample(1:n, n*0.7) train <- d[s, ] test <- d[-s, ]
fit the model with training data
mod <- pltree(formula, data = train)
predict estimates on test data based on fitted model
predict(mod, newdata = test)
the AIC of fitted model
the AIC predicted using the test data
AIC(mod, newdata = test) #different than value above (prediction is working)
the deviance of fitted model
the deviance predicted using the test data
deviance(mod, newdata = test) #same as the value above (prediction not working)
Does deviance, when using a test data for prediction, should be like this?:
AIC <- AIC(mod, newdata = test) df <- attr(logLik(mod), "df") AIC - (2*df) `