hu3agency / B.9.0-Training-Platform

B.9.0 Training Platform (PROVIDER) for hu3agency. Education Institution modeled after the Human Skeletal System.
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Training: Daily oS3 Meeting Process v0 #1

Open trainfarb opened 3 months ago

trainfarb commented 3 months ago

DEG Entreprises - Training Minutes

MINUTES: Training - Daily oS3 Meeting Process v0

Start Date: 2024.03.14.THU End Date: 2024.03.17.SUN

A.2.7 Meeting Platform Header

A.2.7.0 Meeting Memo

A.2.7.1 Agenda


A.2.7.2 Minutes

A.2.7.3 Debrief

B.0.9 Onboarding Platform Header

B.0.9.0 Onboarding Memo


B.0.9.1 Prompts


B.0.9.2 Documentation

B.0.9.3 Models


D.8.1 Management Platform Header

D.8.1.0 Management Memo


D.8.1.1 Work Breakdown Structure

D.8.1.2 Schedules

D.8.1.3 Logistics

E.7.2 Design Platform Header

E.7.2.0 Design Memo


E.7.2.1 Research

E.7.2.2 Drawings

E.7.2.3 Specifications


B.9.0 Training Platform Header

B.9.0.0 Training Memo


B.9.0.1 Curriculum

B.9.0.2 Unit Plans

B.9.0.3 Lesson Plans

F.6.3 Marketing Platform Header

F.6.3.0 Marketing Memo


F.6.3.1 Risks


F.6.3.2 Contingencies


F.6.3.3 Campaigns

G.5.4 Sales Platform Header

G.5.4.0 Sales Memo


G.5.4.1 Proposals

G.5.4.2 Financials


G.5.4.3 Case Studies

C.1.8 Governance Platform Header

C.1.8.0 Governance Memo

C.1.8.1 Goals

C.1.8.2 Agreements

C.1.8.3 Wallets

H.4.5 Communications Platform Header

H.4.5.0 Communications

H.4.5.1 Theories

H.4.5.2 Experiments

H.4.5.3 Publications

I.3.6 Story Platform Header

I.3.6.0 Story Memo

I.3.6.1 Building

I.3.6.2 Operations

I.3.6.3 Maintenance

Use this to onboard OWNERS into a new meeting

This angel number serves as a divine signal that you are about to embark on a transformative journey. Harness your inner strength and pay attention. You are about to make positive choices with your guardian angels supporting you. Angel number 1515 is a sign of new beginnings and opportunities coming your way. This number will keep following you until you open your heart to receive its blessings. Notice the way in which you might be holding yourself back or resisting change. While change isn’t always easy, it’s necessary. This angel number lets you know that you can access the best outcomes with aligned action.

trainfarb commented 3 months ago


Proof of Work Minutes

2024.03.21.THU Proof-of-Work Minutes

(Added to 1.8.3 Wallets) trainfarb = We enable small businesses to participate in the future of meeting platforms.

(Added to 1.8.3 Wallets) hu3agency = We enable manufacturers to participate in the future of project platforms.

(Added to 1.8.3 Wallets) ourStory = We enable families to participate in the future of story platforms.

(Added to 8.1.2 Schedules) Meeting Protocol (Added to 8.1.2 Schedules) Day 0 - 2.7 OWNER Memo: create meeting memo to define PURPOSE (Added to 8.1.2 Schedules) Day 1 - 0.9 PRODUCER Agenda: create documentation based on PURPOSE (Added to 8.1.2 Schedules) Day 2 - 8.1 PRODUCER Agenda: create schedule based on agenda (Added to 8.1.2 Schedules) Day 3 - 7.2 PRODUCER Agenda: create design based on schedule (Added to 8.1.2 Schedules) Day 4 - 9.0 PROVIDER Minutes: create cohort meeting based on design (Added to 8.1.2 Schedules) Day 5 - 6.3 PROVIDER Minutes: create meeting minutes based on cohort meeting (Added to 8.1.2 Schedules) Day 6 - 5.4 PROVIDER Minutes: create case study based on meeting minutes (Added to 8.1.2 Schedules) Day 7 - 1.8 CONSUMER Debrief: create agreement based on case study (Added to 8.1.2 Schedules) Day 8 - 4.5 CONSUMER Debrief: create debrief based on agreement (Added to 8.1.2 Schedules) Day 9 - 3.6 CONSUMER Debrief: create storyboard based on debrief

2024.03.15.FRI Proof-of-Work Minutes

2024.03.15.FRI Training: Daily oS3 Meeting Process v0 Brainstorm

(Added to 2.7.0 Memo) Meeting Mastery Protocol For Effortless Delegation and Productivity so You Have More Time for Creativity

(Added to 5.4.3 Case Study) Situation: Retroactively creating the Rwanda 2023 Trip to develop a system that turns meetings into go-to-market strategies moving forward. Ultimately, I want each day from the trip to be an engaging story that adds value, so it's important that we can capture everything that happened in the context of each pillar. End result will be an automated system that acts as a front-end to GitHub. MVP is in GitHub Projects.

(Added to 5.4.3 Case Study) Complication: Currently March 2024, and it's difficult consolidating all of the different locations that the story was captured (Emails, Google Workspace, Notebooks, WhatsApp, Photos, Videos, etc.)

(Added to 5.4.3 Case Study) Resolution: Realization that the Trip Recap is telling the story, so it aligns perfectly with the Balance Period Wellness Wallet. Use the 1.8 Governance Tab in the GitHub Project IDP to serve as the MVP of the wellness wallet for DEG. This acts as a single source of truth for the content shared each day. This can be thought of as the consumer wallet that captures all notes/interactions from participants in the ecosystem. Since this is the wallet, we created a spreadsheet with the columns:

(Added to 9.0.3 Lesson Plans) Much more detailed and intentional approach to meeting minutes. This forces people to catalog each meeting into each of the different sections that make up a platform so everything is logged and tracked immediately when the minutes are published. Nothing get's lost in the cracks.

2024.03.13.WED Notes after PapAchille Convo

(Added to 7.2.2 Drawings) Image

2024.03.13.WED Proof-of-Work Minutes

(Added to 9.0.1 Curriculum) What is the process flow? How does the operating system work? (Create a visual for a walkthrough)

What’s next?

[HU3] 2024.03.12.TUE.1944CST_B.9.0_Develop Daily P3 Training Protocol v0_Draft 1-day Lesson Plan

Duration: 38 Minutes LOOM Link: Click Here

trainfarb commented 3 months ago


trainfarb commented 3 months ago

DEG Entreprises - Training Debrief

DEBRIEF: Training - Daily oS3 Meeting Process v0

Start Date: 2024.03.14.THU End Date: 2024.03.17.SUN


Have you heard about DEG's operatingSystem to openSource ourStory (oS3) Agendas but not sure if the process makes sense for you? DEG might center its entire Management Platform around oS3 Agendas, but does that mean you should incorporate it into your daily practice? In this oS3 Debrief, we'll introduce you to the new discipline of Parallel Permaculture Platform (P3) Design Engineering and how it relates to oS3 Agendas.

We'll be giving you a simple definition on oS3 Agendas, explain how it fits into a broader P3 Ecosystem, and what its main differences from your current approach to agendas are. We'll also dive into the value of P3 Agendas for your platform team and how it connects to your Internal Developer Platform. Finally, we'll talk about the main challenges P3 Design Engineers face with agendas along with some tips on how to address them.


oS3 Agenda Design is the art of turning all of the processes associated with meetings into simple checklists that reduce confusion and increase productivity for everyone involved. The sum of these simple checklists is commonly called an Internal Developer Platform (IDP). The IDP is built by P3 Design Engineers who use the "Platform as a Product" approach, which means we treat our coworkers and partners as our own internal customer.

P3 Design Engineering is the answer of innovative organizations to avoid the headaches of traditional business processes. While having the creative freedom to develop our own work processes is a great concept in theory, the day to day process of most employees is broken. The reality is that work becomes overwhelming when we have to waste energy on mundane tasks like agendas when could spend time on more meaningful work that would add actual value to our team.


As DEG started mapping out all of the different partners that we'd be working with on various continents, we quickly realized that the only way to maintain efficiency was by adding a platform layer for mundane tasks like oS3 Agendas. This layer is the Internal Developer Platform, and it's the end product of P3 Design Engineering. With an oS3 Agenda/IDP, less questions are asked, more time is worked on important work, and work is produced faster.

P3 Design Engineering is still in its infancy, so there are still some challenges that we need to address. Mainly, we need to improve our communication by having a better feedback loop with people who use processes like the oS3 Agenda. Also, it's difficult to explain the true value of P3 Design engineering to executives, so don't get the buy in for this to pay off as much as it could.


This is why it's so important for us to keep this open source so we can grow a collaborative community that can develop best practices together. As different people use and adapt oS3 Agendas for themselves, we'll get a growing library of useful tools that help us work faster so we can spend more time being creative. Also, if we can create a shared language for how we approach work, it'll drastically improve communication between teams within and between organizations so we can get even more done together.

If you're interested in seeing if an out-of-the box approach to collaboration would help you save time to do what you want, read through our meeting minutes to learn a bit more. If you like what you see, you can try it for yourself. Let us know if you have any questions, comments, or feedback.
