hu3agency / B.9.0-Training-Platform

B.9.0 Training Platform (PROVIDER) for hu3agency. Education Institution modeled after the Human Skeletal System.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Agenda: Create Framer Sales Page for [Unit Plan] #13

Open trainfarb opened 2 months ago

trainfarb commented 2 months ago

1131cst: Create wallets for each platform while on the go

trainfarb commented 2 months ago

Goal will be for ourStory to act as a workforce development training platform for knowledge and skilled workers. Train the full stack of smart manufacturing. Subcontractors to executives to teach and inspire people to join. Geared towards people in disinvested communities with high school degrees.

Micro Enterprises create clusters to build their resumes by supporting small enterprises.

Small enterprises use it to gain support from clusters of µ enterprises.

Medium Enterprises use this to provide guidance to small and micro enterprises as corporate social responsibility.

trainfarb commented 2 months ago

Walk notes: What am I doing? Hard for me to answer this normally.

Focus on adapting “platform as a product”

Internal Developer Platform becomes Personal/Internal/Community Developer Platform

Community Developer Platforms is the mature approach to turning philanthropy into a social norm.

trainfarb is creating an personal developer platform

hu3agency is creating an internal developer platform

ourStory is creating a community developer platform

trainfarb commented 2 months ago

Post walk notes:

BELIEF: What positive habit will you practice to improve your self-efficacy?

SAVERS walk through humboldt park teraFactory/TOYA Town


AWARENESS: What negative habit will today’s positive habit replace?

Unbalance between work and life. Using the work I meed to get done as an excuse to be physically inactive for an entire day.


LOVE: What affirmation will help you replace your negative habit with the positive?

I am committed to daily walks to identify leads and visualize my future in Humboldt Park, Rwanda, and Haiti.


ACCOUNTABILITY: What will yoU track to determine if you completed today’s habit?

MapMyWalk IMG_1651


NO.: What will you say no to so you can complete todays positive habit?



CONSISTENCY: What story will you share to express how today’s positive habit will improve your quality of life?

YOU: trainfarb living in the huniverse NEED: got too focused on upper chakras and lost the ability to manifest in the physical. Had some idea of how to help improve reality, but lost the ability to influence the physical GO: Committed to teaching himself to walk again around the training pond of the huniverse that he wants to transform to build his body back. “I am committed to daily walks to identify leads and visualize my future in Humboldt park, Rwanda, and Haiti” SEARCH: To stay accountable, trainfarb logs the his activity with MapMyWalk. An API for his wellnessWallet that becomes the surveying tool for the transformation he’ll be creating in the community. Staying accountable to balance period by creating a governance memo, website draft, and wellness wallet interface draft. FIND: Today, he discovered that what he needs to tame the dragon is to create the unit plan github project as an internal developer platform so he can become more experienced with planning how to teach people about Industry 4.0, Smart Platform Manufacturing, and Platform Design for Manufacture and Assemble over 28 days. TAKE: trainfarb likes creating but struggles with communicating the value. He has to make the sacrifice of etching a turquoise tablet beatDrop for the day or he wouldn’t be able to bring the unit plan into the physical form unless he can clearly describe the value of the work ($117.8541, $428.571, or $12.8571) completed today by taming the dragon. RETURN: After expressing the value, he gained power in his sacral chakra to give him more creative energy for his next journey. CHANGED: Next time, on daoTeaching, trainfarb will be going on a journey to discover how he can tell his GitHub project unit plan successes to inspire other to follow in his footsteps.


ENJOY: What creative interest will you practice to celebrate today’s positive habit?

(sketch a comic strip)


BALANCE: What habit tomorrow

SAVERS Walk day 9