hu3agency / B.9.0-Training-Platform

B.9.0 Training Platform (PROVIDER) for hu3agency. Education Institution modeled after the Human Skeletal System.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Outline Updated Training Memo for DEG's Platform Page #20

Closed trainfarb closed 2 months ago

trainfarb commented 2 months ago

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trainfarb commented 2 months ago


Make the platform page of the website more attractive for potential investors


April 5th, 2024 email from BDO Pre-Valuation Document Feedback pointed out the investment risks associated with gaps in experience:

"Highlighting your experience and expertise is valuable, but focusing on your specific experience in this field or industry will further impress investors. If there are gaps in the team's knowledge, exploring partnerships with experts in the field could be beneficial. again ensuring the investors on the formula preservation and usage in the case you're not around, this is another point to consider 'i.e. Team Expertise'"


Update platform page of DEG's website to outline how its open source platform solves the problem of gaps in expertise and makes it a valuable investment opportunity

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