hu3agency / B.9.0-Training-Platform

B.9.0 Training Platform (PROVIDER) for hu3agency. Education Institution modeled after the Human Skeletal System.
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Define Searching Solution: Path Cost (Distribution) #7

Closed trainfarb closed 2 months ago

trainfarb commented 2 months ago

How can you create a metaphor that relate the Path Cost for AI Problem formulation to the Distribution step within a standard supply chain process (ex. Raw Materials, Suppliers, Manufacturing, Distribution, Retail, customer)? Create a metaphor between AI Problem Formulation Path Cost and Supply Chain Distribution so a freshman in high school can understand how to apply AI Problem formulation in a simpler way assuming they already understanding the distribution step in the supply chain process.

Sure, I'd be happy to create a metaphor!

Think of AI problem formulation path cost in the context of supply chain distribution like a puzzle. When you're trying to solve a puzzle, there are many different pieces that need to fit together in order to complete the puzzle. Each piece represents a different aspect of the problem, such as transportation times, inventory levels, or customer demand.

The path cost of AI problem formulation is like the time and effort required to put the puzzle together. At first, it might seem like a daunting task, as there are many different pieces that need to be considered. However, as you start to fit the pieces together, you begin to see the bigger picture emerge.

Just like with a puzzle, there are many different approaches to AI problem formulation path cost in supply chain distribution. Some approaches might be more straightforward and require fewer resources, while others might be more complex and require more time and effort.

However, the key is to keep working at the puzzle until you find the best solution. By investing the time and effort required to put the puzzle together, you can unlock significant cost savings and efficiency improvements in the distribution process.

So, in summary, think of AI problem formulation path cost in the context of supply chain distribution like a puzzle. By investing the time and effort required to put the puzzle together, you can unlock significant cost savings and efficiency improvements in the distribution process.

Why should people pay to work through this curriculum (agenda)?

This curriculum teaches people how to transform any goal into a cohort based course focused on ego development, biomimicry, and music:

  1. AI Problem Formulation/ Ego Development Curriculum: explores the problems that makes the goal necessary in the first place. You will explore how closed course executives and centralized institutions created problems that led to the need for the goal that you’re working towards.
  2. Platform Design/ Biomimicry Unit Plan: Once you understand the unconscious ego of the closed course executives and centralized institutions that created the problem, you will use biomimicry to relate both to the human ego and eukaryotic cells, respectively. Unit plans create a model between the problems we identify externally with the dysfunction that we still need to solve internally. This keeps us accountable as we develop tangible solutions.
  3. Civil Engineering/ Music Lesson Plan: After creating a 1-to-1 model between closed source executives/human ego and centralized institutions/eukaryotic cells, we will use music to create a plan that relates our personal development to community development throughout the city of your choice (as within, so without). Ultimately, you will create an open source executive of your choosing and its associated decentralized institution so your MSME has the ability to develop your contributors personally while simultaneously developing your city and country collectively.

What’s the value of this offer? PRODUCER Path Cost