huacnlee / autocorrect

A linter and formatter to help you to improve copywriting, correct spaces, words, and punctuations between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean).
MIT License
894 stars 31 forks source link

installing by curl fail #166

Closed wklken closed 1 year ago

wklken commented 1 year ago
$ curl -sSL | bash -x                                                          
+ set -u
+ type curl
+ repo=huacnlee/autocorrect
+ bin_name=autocorrect
++ get_latest_release
++ curl --silent
++ grep '"tag_name":'
++ sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/'
+ version=
++ uname
++ tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'
+ platform=linux
++ uname -m
++ sed s/x86_64/amd64/
+ arch=amd64
+ echo 'Downloading autocorrect@ ...'
Downloading autocorrect@ ...
+ libc=
+ ldd --version
+ grep -q musl
+ curl -Lo autocorrect.tar.gz
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100     9  100     9    0     0     16      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--    16
+ tar zxf autocorrect.tar.gz

gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
++ id -u
+ test 0 -eq 0
+ mv autocorrect /usr/local/bin/autocorrect
mv: cannot stat ‘autocorrect’: No such file or directory
+ rm autocorrect.tar.gz
+ echo 'AutoCorrect  has installed successfully.'
AutoCorrect  has installed successfully.
huacnlee commented 1 year ago

Retry it, you may meet I released a round version at v2.7.0