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诺贝尔物理学奖得主 Brian Josephson 33岁放弃物理研究 转向超心理学研究 #472

Open huangblue opened 7 years ago

huangblue commented 7 years ago

诺贝尔物理学奖得主 Brian Josephson 33岁放弃物理研究 转向超心理学研究 from phisics to parapsychology   布赖恩·约瑟夫森(Brian Josephson,1940年1月4日-),英国物理学家,犹太人,1940年1月4日生于威尔士加的夫。在22岁,尚是一个博士生时,他就提出约瑟夫森结这一概念,并凭此赢得1973年诺贝尔物理学奖。从2007年秋天起,他将从剑桥大学退休。    

1.Brian Josephson

第一名 Brian Josephson Prize: Physics 奖项:诺贝尔物理学奖

Talks Out Of His Ass About: Other physics specialties... and telepathy. 胡说八道的内容:其他物理专业。。。以及心灵感应 I've mentioned chemists talking out of their asses about biology and the like, but here's a physicist talking out of his ass about another physics specialty. Even within a field, there is so much sciencing to be done that one guy can't know it all. 我曾提到化学家胡说八道生物学或诸如此类的东西,但是这却是一个物理学家瞎扯其他的物理专业,即使是在同一个领域,也有许多花费大量研究也不能知其全貌的东西。

Now Brian Josephson is an expert in a particular kind of physics, namely the kind that has the word, "Josephson" in it, such as the "Josephson effect," which he won his Nobel for, and the "Josephson junction" invention derived from it. The remarkable coincidence of discovering things that shared his name may have led him to a belief in destiny and the supernatural, which he quit physics to study after winning his Nobel. 如今Brian Josephson是物理学中一个特殊种类的专家,可以说是这个种类的名字里有“Josephson”这个词在里面,类似于“Josephson效应”这样的,他赢取诺贝尔奖正是因为这个,而“Josephson结”也是因此而来的。所发现的事物与他有着同样的名字这一惊人巧合使他开始相信命运和超自然现象,他也在赢得诺贝尔奖后转而研究这个。

As you can see from Josephson's Web page, he is the director of the Mind-Matter Unification Project at Cambridge University where he is working hard to keep Britain at the "forefront of research" on telepathy, as he wrote in his blurb for Britain's Royal Mail commemorative Nobel stamps in 2001. While scientists fumed about how terrible the stamp blurb was, British citizens paid their bills while reading Josephson's intriguing views on how quantum science may one day explain telepathy. 从Josephson的主页可以看到,他是剑桥大学心物归一项目的主管。恰如2001年他在英国皇家邮政的诺贝尔纪念邮票的推介中说的那样,在剑桥他一直致力于使英国保持在心灵感应学的“研究前线”。尽管科学家们发现那段推介非常的糟糕,但是英国公民还是购买了这套邮票,读到了其中Josephson关于量子科学在将来某一天可能能够解释心灵感应的有趣观点。

Josephson's homepage complains quite a bit about the party pooping scientists and how biased they are against telepathy. Closer to his area of expertise, he is also pissed about scientists pooh-poohing cold fusion (or bubble fusion in the most recent case). He's not just saying, "Let's consider the possibility," but really thinks telepathy and cold fusion have enough evidence that would "normally lead them to being accepted" if scientists weren't so closed-minded. Josephson在他的主页中发了一大堆关于政党贬低科学家还有他们如何如何偏见心灵感应学的牢骚。而在接近他的专业的领域,他也瞎扯说科学家们嘲笑冷聚变(或最近案例中的冷聚变)。他不是仅仅说:“让我们考虑一下这个事情的可能性”,而是真的认为如果科学家不那么闭目塞听的话,将会有足够的证据能够使心灵感应和冷聚变被人们所接受。

That is kind of a bold claim for a phenomenon like cold fusion which is basically the Michigan J. Frog of science--people always seem to discover it alone in their lab when no one is looking, and it never seems to work when other people are watching or try to do it themselves. 这种对某个现象(比如说冷聚变)大胆的断言从根本上说是一种Michigan J. Frog式的科学--人们在自己的实验室中独自一人发现了某个现象,但是在别人观看时却根本不会出现。

If you still think there's a possibility that Josephson is just ahead of his time and the rest of us are too conventional to follow his vision, I'm going to have to point out this is a man who thinks Taco Bell serves "very good" Mexican food. 如果你依然认为有Josephson只是走在了时间的前端的可能性,而其余的人只是保守过度而无法跟上他的视野的话,那么在这我还要指出他是一个认为Taco Bell餐厅供应的墨西哥食物“非常棒”的人。

Clearly Josephson's overall grasp of science and cuisine (and web design) is tenuous, but he's still got a chance to turn things around. I suggest he buy this smoked seafood business. 很明显Josephson对科学和烹饪(还有网页设计)的整体掌握是肤浅的,但是他仍有机会咸鱼翻身。我建议他可以经营烟熏海产生意。

It's clearly destiny. 这显然是注定了的。

huangblue commented 7 years ago

Brian Josephson的网站