huanghoujing / beyond-part-models

PCB of paper: Beyond Part Models: Person Retrieval with Refined Part Pooling, using Pytorch
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Closed luyang-NWPU closed 6 years ago

luyang-NWPU commented 6 years ago

在README里提到: | | Rank-1 (%) | mAP (%) | R.R. Rank-1 (%) | R.R. mAP (%) | | Market1501 (Paper)| 92.40 | 77.30 | - | - |

可是我看论文中说的是:“In this paper, we report mAP = 81.6%, 69.2%, 57.5% and Rank-1 = 93.8%, 83.3% and 63.7% for Market- 1501, Duke and CUHK03, respectively, setting new state of the art on the three datasets. All the results are achieved under the single-query mode without re-ranking. Re- ranking methods will further boost the performance espe- cially mAP. For example, when “PCB+RPP” is combined with the method in [44], mAP and Rank-1 accuracy on Market-1501 increases to 91.9% and 95.1%, respectively.”


ZongweiZhou1 commented 6 years ago

@luyang-NWPU 代码中没有实现RPP部分,你说的是PCB+RPP的结果,看Table1