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资源整合 #2

Open maxujie opened 7 years ago

maxujie commented 7 years ago

Hand, Hand Grasp, Hand Action and Gesture Databases

  1. 3D Articulated Hand Pose Estimation with Single Depth Images (Tang, Chang, Tejani, Kim, Yu)
  2. A Dataset of Human Manipulation Actions - RGB-D of 25 objects and 6 actions (Alessandro Pieropan)
  3. A Hand Gesture Detection Dataset (Javier Molina et al)
  4. A-STAR Annotated Hand-Depth Image Dataset and its Performance Evaluation - depth data and data glove data, 29 images of 30 volunteers, Chinese number counting and American Sign Language (Xu and Cheng)
  5. Bosphorus Hand Geometry Database and Hand-Vein Database (Bogazici University)
  6. EgoHands - A large dataset with over 15,000 pixel-level-segmented hands recorded from egocentric cameras of people interacting with each other. (Sven Bambach)
  7. FORTH Hand tracking library (FORTH)
  8. General HANDS: general hand detection and pose challenge - 22 sequences with different gestures, activities and viewpoints (UC Irvine)
  9. Grasp UNderstanding (GUN-71) dataset - 12,000 first-person RGB-D images of object manipulation scenes annotated using a taxonomy of 71 fine-grained grasps.(Rogez, Supancic and Ramanan)
  10. Hand gesture and marine silhouettes (Euripides G.M. Petrakis)
  11. HandNet: annotated depth images of articulated hands 214971 annotated depth images of hands captured by a RealSense RGBD sensor of hand poses. Annotations: per pixel classes, 6D fingertip pose, heatmap. Images -> Train: 202198, Test: 10000, Validation: 2773. Recorded at GIP Lab, Technion.
  12. IDIAP Hand pose/gesture datasets (Sebastien Marcel)
  13. Kinect and Leap motion gesture recognition dataset - The dataset contains 1400 different gestures acquired with both the Leap Motion and the Kinect devices(Giulio Marin, Fabio Dominio, Pietro Zanuttigh)
  14. Kinect and Leap motion gesture recognition dataset - The dataset contains several different static gestures acquired with the Creative Senz3D camera.(A. Memo, L. Minto, P. Zanuttigh)
  15. LISA CVRR-HANDS 3D - 19 gestures performed by 8 subjects as car driver and passengers (Ohn-Bar and Trivedi)
  16. LISA Vehicle Detection Dataset - colour first person driving video under various lighting and traffic conditions (Sivaraman, Trivedi)
  17. MPI Dexter 1 Dataset for Evaluation of 3D Articulated Hand Motion Tracking - Dexter 1: 7 sequences of challenging, slow and fast hand motions, RGB + depth (Sridhar, Oulasvirta, Theobalt)
  18. MSR Realtime and Robust Hand Tracking from Depth - (Qian, Sun, Wei, Tang, Sun)
  19. Mobile and Webcam Hand images database - MOHI and WEHI - 200 people, 30 images each (Ahmad Hassanat)
  20. NYU Hand Pose Dataset - 8252 test-set and 72757 training-set frames of captured RGBD data with ground-truth hand-pose, 3 views (Tompson, Stein, Lecun, Perlin}
  21. Sahand Dynamic Hand Gesture Database - This database contains 11 Dynamic gestures designed to convey the functions of mouse and touch screens to computers.(Behnam Maleki, Hossein Ebrahimnezhad)
  22. Sheffield gesture database - 2160 RGBD hand gesture sequences, 6 subjects, 10 gestures, 3 postures, 3 backgrounds, 2 illuminations (Ling Shao)
  23. UT Grasp Data Set - 4 subjects grasping a variety of objectss with a variety of grasps (Cai, Kitani, Sato)
  24. Yale human grasping data set - 27 hours of video with tagged grasp, object, and task data from two housekeepers and two machinists (Bullock, Feix, Dollar)
yanjk commented 7 years ago