huangxuwei / sgx_cv

Transplant Opencv Core Library inside Intel SGX Enclave
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Using static lib in SGX #1

Open asonnino opened 6 years ago

asonnino commented 6 years ago

I have some quick questions:

This repo is about creating two static libraries, libsgx_tcv.a and libsgx_ucv.a;

  1. The idea is that the first lib runs in the enclave and the second doesn't -- is that correct ?
  2. If 1. is correct, and I create a simple program (running outside the enclave) that links with the first lib (i.e., libsgx_tcv.a), does it mean that the CPU will switch in Enclave Mode each time I make a call to a function in that lib ?
  3. Could you point me toward how to link static a library on SGX to have everything (lib and main file) executed in the enclave?
faysalhossain2007 commented 6 years ago

Were you able to figure out how to add OpenCV in the sgx-enclave project?

asonnino commented 6 years ago

No, I didn't But I will let you know if I get back to this and manage to make it work