huawei-noah / streamDM

Stream Data Mining Library for Spark Streaming
Apache License 2.0
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Update File Reader. Add limit instance as stopping condition #72

Closed nhnminh closed 7 years ago

nhnminh commented 7 years ago

This pull request has 1 change in File Reader:


Reason: Stopping Condition, used for benchmarking (computing running time).


We could run the code as follow:

./ "200 EvaluatePrequential  -l (trees.HoeffdingTree -l 0 -t 0.05 -g 200 -o) -s (FileReader -f ../data/electNormNew.arff -k 4000 -d 10 -i 30000)"  1> result.res 2> log.log

Here, we limit the number of instances to be 30000