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Gather and normalize ICT inventory data from multiple sources, to enable automation of ICT carbon and environmental impacts (LCA-inspired) assessments.
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nmap inventory scanner #1

Open da-ekchajzer opened 2 years ago

da-ekchajzer commented 2 years ago


As a network administrator, I want to use cabestan to inventories the devices on my network from a network scan


Using nmap we can scan an IP range, identify some information about devices behind the IP address.

Feature 1 : Host discovery

Doc : Scan a range of IPs to list the IP identifying a running device. This let us gather a list of address that can be used to call running devices connected to the network. As IP might change over time, they shouldn't be used to identify a device.

Feature 2 : MAC detection


MAC address are unique identifier for device ethernet interfaces. They could be used in our case as :

Feature 3 : Remote OS Detection

Doc :

This feature allows us to detect which OS the device is running on. This could be very useful to characterize the device.

Running: Linux 2.6.X
OS CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel:2.6.39
OS details: Linux 2.6.39

Feature 4 : Device type

Doc :

Nmap can tag a device in the network with a type according to it's matching algorithm. The list of device types can be found in the doc. This could be useful to characterize the device.

Device type: firewall

Feature 5 : Application and services

Doc :

This feature allows us to inventories some services reachable over the network. It can be used to :

22/tcp   open     ssh           OpenSSH 8.4p1 Debian 5 (protocol 2.0)
25/tcp   filtered smtp
80/tcp   open     http          OpenResty web app server
