hubmapconsortium / asctb-figures

How to generate ASCT+B Graph Figures
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Figure on the importance of having mutiple relationship types - not available when representing as a simple table #17

Open dosumis opened 7 months ago

dosumis commented 7 months ago



The rich relationship types in Uberon make it possible to record a variety of relationships between vascular elements and tissue. Location can be recorded using 'part of' (BFO:0000050) or overlaps (RO:0002131; has some part in); functional connectivity relationships can be recorded using the relations ‘supplies’ (RO:0002178) and ‘drains’ (RO:0002179). For example, the ‘penicillar arteriole’ (UBERON:0013132), is related to the 'spleen central arteriole' (UBERON:0010401) via a 'branching part of' relationship (RO:0002380), to the 'white pulp of spleen' (UBERON:0001959) via a 'part of' relationship and to the 'red pulp of spleen' (UBERON:0001250) via a supplies relationship. In contrast, ASCT+B tables allow for a single relationship between anatomical structures (ccf_part_of), and are typically structured so that each term has only one parent. In the spleen ASCT+B table, 'penicillar arteriole' has a single 'ccf_part_of' relationship - to the 'spleen central arteriole'.

aleixpuigb commented 6 months ago

We might have to be careful with this example. In both in Uberon and in the ASCT+B spleen table, penicillar arteriole is part of the white pulp of spleen. However, in the literature I find it in the red pulp of screen (Steiniger et al., 2014, Zhu et al., 2015, Wikipedia:Trabecular arteries). I will contact SMEs to make sure we don't give an example that is not correct.

aleixpuigb commented 5 months ago

Figure in PDF, i Have done two versions:

image image