hubmapconsortium / ccf-ui

HRA Exploration and Registration User Interfaces
MIT License
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Add axial, coronal, sagittal (or similar) annotations to big axes #931

Open andreasbueckle opened 2 years ago

andreasbueckle commented 2 years ago

Zorina and Tyler suggested to add axial, coronal, sagittal annotations to the 3D scene in the spatial search (could be extended to RUI as well). We received this feedback multiple times as user want to see the larger anatomy represented as outside-of-the-organ landmarks:


andreasbueckle commented 2 years ago

Notes from 7/20 meeting between @bherr2 and me: We can work this issue into a RUI refresh in 9/2022 with a focus on improving spatial orientation for the user. We discussed 6 possible adjustments that we can test with a Unity prototype. @libby-maier and @andreasbueckle could run a user study.


andreasbueckle commented 2 years ago

Gizmo/mannequin mesh: