During the redesign of apps.humanatlas.io, it has become apparent to me that our products need improved, consistent identities. We already know that users don't appreciate HRA jargon.
The longer we expand the product line, the worse this becomes. Brand reliability and user experience is compromised when:
people have to remember acronyms
people have to guess what an app does due to unclear names
people have to read verbose product names and remember what the app does
Organizing a way forward
I made a product identity board to put all apps side by side to create reusable text variables. This led to comparing their names, descriptions, and URLs. I will continue advocating for this work to improve the user experience of this project.
Product identity synthesis
During the redesign of apps.humanatlas.io, it has become apparent to me that our products need improved, consistent identities. We already know that users don't appreciate HRA jargon.
The longer we expand the product line, the worse this becomes. Brand reliability and user experience is compromised when:
Organizing a way forward
I made a product identity board to put all apps side by side to create reusable text variables. This led to comparing their names, descriptions, and URLs. I will continue advocating for this work to improve the user experience of this project.
Initial product renaming exercise
@danqaurooni and I kicked off our initial takes at renaming our products in Slack this morning!