For a registered Sample block which has a parent of type block (instead of organ being the direct ancestor/parent). The "Register Location" button does not show up.
Use this query to find examples (b2 entities should have the "Register Location" button, but do not:
match (o:Sample {sample_category:'organ', data_access_level:'consortium'})-[:ACTIVITY_INPUT]->(:Activity)-[:ACTIVITY_OUTPUT]->(b1:Sample {sample_category:'block'})-[:ACTIVITY_INPUT]->(:Activity)-[:ACTIVITY_OUTPUT]->(b2:Sample {sample_category:'block'}) where b1.rui_location is null return o.hubmap_id, o.organ, b1.hubmap_id, b2.hubmap_id;
For a registered Sample block which has a parent of type block (instead of organ being the direct ancestor/parent). The "Register Location" button does not show up.
Use this query to find examples (b2 entities should have the "Register Location" button, but do not: