The (.csv) files used to build the Neo4j database are created by Jonathan's Pandas code which reads output from Tiffany's PheKnowLator code. Since this process had never been completed before there was a great deal of "trial and error" to make sure that the graph in the Neo4J database looked correct. This is an ongoing process and will continue through the next sprint. Through out this process there was also many updates to the code that accomplishes the work flow as well as adding some diagnostics and switches to the process.
The (.csv) files used to build the Neo4j database are created by Jonathan's Pandas code which reads output from Tiffany's PheKnowLator code. Since this process had never been completed before there was a great deal of "trial and error" to make sure that the graph in the Neo4J database looked correct. This is an ongoing process and will continue through the next sprint. Through out this process there was also many updates to the code that accomplishes the work flow as well as adding some diagnostics and switches to the process.