hubmartin / WS2812B_STM32F4

WS2812 DMA library with low RAM needs. Up to 16 paralel outputs and thousands of LEDs on each of them
MIT License
112 stars 32 forks source link

CubeMX failed to open Project file #5

Open EugeneZhou1018 opened 4 years ago

EugeneZhou1018 commented 4 years ago

Hi there~ First of all, great library! I can’t wait to to use it on my F411 board!
 but I got stuck on some little problems that I can’t open the .ioc file successfully to view how the timer and DMA has setup’s 😕, the CubeMX just keeps saying firmware packages version error, even I let it do it’s things download the packages…etc, it still open up as an Completely blank project😩, can you please add some screenshots or more details Explanation about the setup process ? that will be super helpful for dummie starter like me 😅, thanks ! 🙏

hubmartin commented 4 years ago

Hello, the CubeMX file is not relevant and it does not contain any IRQ or DMA settings. It was just a basic template for F4 without anything WS2812B related. I've removed it. I don't use CubeMX at all so I cannot give you screenshots or help with that. So, generate project with CubeMX and then add my library to your project.