hubot-archive / hubot-auth

Assign roles to users and restrict command access in other scripts
149 stars 54 forks source link

Secondary userid delimiter support #22

Closed vwbusguy closed 7 years ago

vwbusguy commented 8 years ago


We're deploying hubot with Docker and the docker-build-step plugin in Jenkins comma-delimits the container environment variables. This means we can only specify one user id when deploying this from Jenkins.

While I've filed a bug against the Jenkins plugin, it's possible this issue may come up for others, and adding a second delimiter in hubot-auth is a much easier task, given the user id format and code simplicity.

vwbusguy commented 8 years ago

The simplest example to allow , and ; would be:

admins = config.admin_list.split '/[:,]+/'

In line 34 of src/ . If this is acceptable, I can make this into a pull request?

patcon commented 8 years ago

Sure thing! :) but maybe add a comment above, referencing that ticket you linked, so it explains itself for later?

cecilia-sanare commented 7 years ago

I'm going to close this since this ticket is over a year old and a PR was never submitted.

Feel free to open a new ticket + PR if the feature is still wanted.