hubot-archive / hubot-auth

Assign roles to users and restrict command access in other scripts
149 stars 54 forks source link

Static roles will no longer get wiped out after hubot initializes #38

Closed cecilia-sanare closed 7 years ago

cecilia-sanare commented 7 years ago

Assigning roles to a user on startup caused hubot brain to add users with invalid ids/names and add the roles to said user. The only reason the tests didn't fail is due to the id and name being the same in all cases.

note: the reason I didn't add/update any test cases is due to hubot-test-helper not supporting custom ids.

Fixes #36 and fixes #37

Verified in Slack: image

cecilia-sanare commented 7 years ago

ping @patcon

@Ferrari @alexleigh @lwhitworth This should fix your issue, but feel free to install hubot-auth via my fork and verify.

$ npm i ceci-woodward/hubot-auth -S
vamsee commented 7 years ago

Anyone know when this will get merged? Currently I'm having to checkout from git for each deploy. The current release definitely broken.

cecilia-sanare commented 7 years ago

This shouldn't be merged due to it breaking backwards compatability