hubot-archive / hubot-pager-me

PagerDuty integration for Hubot
MIT License
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Doesn't return all on-call schedules #43

Open mcg opened 9 years ago

mcg commented 9 years ago

We have a large number of on-call schedules. "Who is on call" only lists some subset. My guess is that we are only getting the first "page" of results from the PD API and pagination is not being used. See "This action is paginated. See the pagination documentation for details." here,

mcg commented 9 years ago

Also forgot to mention that the returned subset of results are different each time "who is on call" is used.

technicalpickles commented 9 years ago

The default (in most places) is 100 results. This script currently uses msg.send for each schedule found which could flood a channel/room/whatever, so that might need to be revisited as part of this.

danoc commented 9 years ago

@technicalpickles – Any chance this will be worked on? Or tips on how to fix it? Spent about two hours trying to fix this with no luck.

danoc commented 9 years ago

@technicalpickles – I eventually fixed it on my end on a heavily modified fork of this repo:

I also eliminated most of the features since we only want the "who is on call" functionality.

The code isn't very elegant but it works (and I already spent way too long working on it :smile:)!

technicalpickles commented 8 years ago

@danoc I took a look at your fork, and I'm not seeing anything obvious that fixes the issue you reported. I would have guessed that we needed to deal with pagination or something, but I don't see code for that. Interestingly, I've been working on some refactorings that also use the async module.

danoc commented 8 years ago

@technicalpickles I guess my issue may be a little different. We only have around 20 schedules, but flooding Slack with that many msg.send's would cause Hubot to crash before printing all of the schedules.

My solution uses to loop through the schedules, get an array of who is on call messages, and then join that array and only print it once:

See example:

technicalpickles commented 8 years ago

My solution uses to loop through the schedules, get an array of who is on call messages, and then join that array and only print it once:

That's exactly what does too :grin:

danoc commented 8 years ago

@technicalpickles Heh, awesome. Thanks! I guess my issue is different then.

kaesackett commented 8 years ago

We were also having this same issue, @danoc. I eventually ended up requesting the who's on call list one person at a time, appending each result to an array as it came back, and then sending the array as the message. I put in the PR to fix this at its source and made sure to mention this issue.