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clarify phrasing about "real time" #58

Closed elray1 closed 3 months ago

elray1 commented 3 months ago

At top of section 5, we have "To demonstrate the utility of the hubEnsembles package and the differences between the two ensembling functions, we examine a second set of weekly US influenza hospitalizations forecasts which were generated in real time."

The phrase "which were generated in real time" sticks out to me here. Was everything in this analysis done in real time? (I think not, right?) Is the "real-time-ness" of the stuff in section 5 different from what was in section 4? Should we just delete this phrase?

lshandross commented 3 months ago

From what I understand not everything was done in real time and generally "real time" only applies to forecasts pulled from actual modeling hubs. In the case study section it's the input component forecasts that were generated in real time, though not the ensembles we make which are actually being evaluated.

I agree that the distinction likely is not important/useful and the phrase should probably be deleted but let me know your thoughts @eahowerton since I think this is your language

eahowerton commented 3 months ago

Deleting is totally fine with me. I was just trying to draw the distinction between the "example" data we had been using up to that point, and the more real-world nature of this example.