huchenxucs / ChatDB

The official repository of "ChatDB: Augmenting LLMs with Databases as Their Symbolic Memory".
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Doesn't seem to see a different table schema #5

Open LaguePesikin opened 1 year ago

LaguePesikin commented 1 year ago

I've gone through your codes and paper but still confused about how you passed the table structure to the prompt to let the model know which operations it should take. I've seen but it only contains fixed SQL sentences. If this part of the design is missing, does it mean that the experiment is only valid in the fruit shop dataset scenario?

khill-fbmc commented 1 year ago

Maybe I can help... I was so fascinated by the paper and concept that I really wanted to try it, I don't know python as well as I know TypeScript.... so I first made this to do the heavy lifting for me and have spent a day doing hand edits where ChatGPT struggled.

This is where everything starts

If you're curious on a TypeScript version (with bonus docker-compose file to run MariaDB and PhpMyAdmin) I'm close to putting my work on github once it actually runs. This is what I have done so far:

# Project
  - Add `debug.ts`
  - Add `types.ts`
    - `SqlStep` type added
    - `ChatContext` type added
  - Add `utils.ts`
    - Adding `sleep()` method
    - Adding `input()` method with `prompt-sync`
    - Adding `new_message_list()` to type safely start `ChatCompletionRequestMessage[]` arrays
  - Maps `List` to `Array`
  - Maps `Dict` to `Record`
  - Add Dependencies
    - tiktoken
    - mysql2
    - langchain
    - winston
    - chalk

## call_ai_function.ts
  - Adding `export` to all `function`
  - Typing `model` as `TiktokenModel`
  - Adding `async` to `call_ai_function()`
  - Adding `async` to `populate_sql_statement()`

## chat.ts
  - Adding `export` to all `function`
  - Modify `generate_context` model param from `any` to `TiktokenModel`
  - Modify return to `object` from `tuple`
  - Adding types from `openai` to `create_chat_message()` to return `ChatCompletionRequestMessage`
  - Typing `full_message_history` as `ChatCompletionRequestMessage[]`

## chatdb_prompts.ts
  - ChatDB had alot of trouble on this one. It was easy to fix by hand.
  - Renaming `user_inp` to `user_input` for use in `chatdb.ts`

## chatdb.ts
  - Adding `export` to all `function`
  - Modify `get_steps_from_response()` to return `SqlStep[]`
  - Modify `chain_of_memory()` to be `async` and accept `SqlStep` instead of `Array<object>`
  - Fix `init_system_msg()` PromptTemplate creation and making `async`
  - Modify `generate_chat_responses()` to be `async`
    - Typing `historical_message` as `ChatCompletionRequestMessage[]`
    - Fix named argument calls incorrectly transpiled `{ user_input }` was `(user_inp = user_inp)`

## chatgpt.ts
  - Adding `const sleep = (seconds: number) => new Promise((resolve)=> setTimeout(resolve, seconds * 1000));` to mimic python `sleep()`
  - Adding `export async` to `create_chat_completion`
  - Edit `create_chat_completion()` messages param from `any[]` to `ChatCompletionRequestMessage[]`

## config.ts
  - Adding `import "dotenv/config";` was `load_dotenv();`
  - Adding `const getEnv = (key: string) => process.env[key];`
    - Alias for was `os.getenv`
  - Commenting out `Singleton` class...
  - Commenting out `Azure` stuff for now...
  - Adding `mysql_database: string | undefined;` prop to `Config` class
  - `export const config = new Config();` was `const cfg = new Config();`

## fruit_shop_schema.ts
  - Adding `export` to `const`

## mysql.ts
  - Edit `import  from "mysql2";` was `import * as pymysql from "pymysql";`
  - Add `export` to `class MySQLDB`
  - Remove `Cursor` references from `class MySQLDB`
  - Modify `insert` and `update` from `data:any` to `data: Record<string, string>`
  - Remove
if (require.main === module) {
  import { cfg } from "./config";
  let mysql: MySQLDB = new MySQLDB(cfg.mysql_host, cfg.mysql_user, cfg.mysql_password, cfg.mysql_port, "try2");




MurrayC7 commented 1 year ago

I've gone through your codes and paper but still confused about how you passed the table structure to the prompt to let the model know which operations it should take. I've seen but it only contains fixed SQL sentences. If this part of the design is missing, does it mean that the experiment is only valid in the fruit shop dataset scenario?

是的。有篇解读在这里 [大模型的符号性记忆框架,提升精确记忆和复杂推理能力-ChatDB - 知乎], 里面宣称:


我理解这篇工作是想基于Text-to-SQL 做更通用的数据库对话,更具体来说,目前实现的场景,就是在静态查询以外还能增删改这些动态能力。但是肯定还是依赖Text-to-SQL准确度的(目前都不高),所以这篇还是比较偏概念设计,难以拓展。