hudochenkov / postcss-styled-syntax

PostCSS syntax for CSS-in-JS like styled-components
MIT License
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Support for the css prop #17

Closed kitajchuk closed 1 year ago

kitajchuk commented 1 year ago

It seems the css prop is not supported.

I am using bare bones setup found here:

I can verify that the css prop is not being supported here. It does work if you use the css function with the css prop but that is just redundant.

It would be quite nice to have this feature—is it possible to support this?

hudochenkov commented 1 year ago

I think technically it is possible to add support, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea. css prop in this form seems to be used only in styled-components library. And I have a feeling css props is not used that much. At least from my experience.

kitajchuk commented 1 year ago

I think technically it is possible to add support, but I'm not sure if it's a good idea. css prop in this form seems to be used only in styled-components library. And I have a feeling css props is not used that much. At least from my experience.

Fair enough. Thanks for the reply.