hudochenkov / postcss-styled-syntax

PostCSS syntax for CSS-in-JS like styled-components
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Support styled(Component)(({ theme }) => ` #31

Open oliviertassinari opened 1 month ago

oliviertassinari commented 1 month ago

I think it would be great to support this pattern styled(Component)(({ theme }) => . Today, it doesn't work:

This is pretty much the same request as in

hudochenkov commented 1 month ago

There could be more complexity hidden, that an example. Function could return template literals conditionally, or assign it to a variable, or use explicit return.

const StyledDiv = styled.div((props) => {
    if (props.isDisabled) {
        return `
            background-color: #f9f9f9;

    return `
        background-color: blue;

const StyledDiv2 = styled.div((props) => {
    let styles = `
        background-color: blue;

    if (props.isDisabled) {
        styles = `
            background-color: #f9f9f9;

    return styles;

Additionally, I doubt VS Code extension would highlight examples above. Not that it would be blocker, but worth to keep in mind.

oliviertassinari commented 1 month ago

Function could return template literals conditionally, or assign it to a variable, or use explicit return.

I guess it's for these use cases that we need to use the css helper.

I doubt VS Code extension would highlight examples above. Not that it would be blocker, but worth to keep in mind.

I see this not correctly highlighted/autocompleted by the VS Code extension:

const StyledDiv = styled.div((props) => {
    return `
        background-color: #f9f9f9;

but this one is correctly highlighted/autocompleted:

const StyledDiv = styled.div((props) => `
    background-color: #f9f9f9;
hudochenkov commented 1 month ago

Alright, let's support only implicit return of template literal for an arrow function. I could take a look in a few weeks. PR is always welcome :)