Closed zilahir closed 4 years ago
Check you configuration, and reconfigure order in a way you like.
@hudochenkov thanks for your reply!
Yeah, i tried, but can't seem to get the configuration ready. Would you give me a suggestion please?
Show me your config, and tell me order you want for all things.
"extends": "@zilahir/stylelint-config",
"ignoreFiles": ["**/*.js", "**/*.jsx"],
"rules": {
"order/properties-alphabetical-order": null,
"selector-class-pattern": "[a-z]+((\\d)|([A-Z0-9][a-z0-9]+))*([A-Z])?",
"plugin/rational-order": null,
"selector-max-compound-selectors": 4,
"order-order": [
"type": "at-rule",
"name": "include",
"hasBlock": "true"
as you can see, in the order/order
is the way i was playing with the settings.
The only thing i want is not to get error for the following
.topHeaderContainer {
@include paragraph {
font-size: 0;
@include something;
background: rgba($color: $header-bg-color, $alpha: 0.7);
position: fixed;
height: $hader-height;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
align-items: center;
transform: none;
transition: all 200ms ease-in;
so basically i the best would be if it would pass both if the include with block are at the top, or at the bottom
Is this what you would like to achieve?
"order/order": [
"type": "at-rule",
"name": "include"
yes, @hudochenkov thank you, i was close, and now i got it understood!
thank you for your help!
You're welcome :)
How can I disable this rule?