hudomju / android-swipe-to-dismiss-undo

Android swipe-to-dismiss-undo library and sample code
MIT License
239 stars 84 forks source link

Version 1.1 unavailable via Gradle #40

Open danielmittelman opened 8 years ago

danielmittelman commented 8 years ago

The examples presented in the README on this repository explain how to use version 1.1, however the newest version available on Maven Central is 1.0. This leads to the fact that there are method calls present in the README that do not exist in the distributed version of the library

arvydaszenitech commented 8 years ago

I managed to importing using jitpack

1) add this to your gradle repositories maven { url "" }

2) add this to your dependencies compile 'com.github.hudomju:android-swipe-to-dismiss-undo:master-SNAPSHOT'

3) profit

danielmittelman commented 8 years ago

I compiled the library and added it as static dependency after manually testing the code.

Your suggestion to blindly clone the master branch which can be unstable is not a solution.

noln commented 7 years ago

You don't need to blindly copy the head. Just specify a hash instead, and you get the best of both worlds: easy config and upgrade and a repeatable build.

e.g. The below dependency is for the commit labelled Update versions, which has all of the changes in the demo, and release notes versioned 1.1

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.hudomju:android-swipe-to-dismiss-undo:d0a25a20bf'