huecker-io / huecker

Docker Registry fork used for
Apache License 2.0
377 stars 6 forks source link

Watchtower don't work #3

Closed Kirill closed 5 months ago

Kirill commented 5 months ago


root@lenovo2 / cat /etc/docker/daemon.json
        "proxies": {
                "https-proxy": "socks5://",
                "no-proxy": ",,"
        "registry-mirrors": [

Error in telegram:

Watchtower updates on lenovo2
Could not do a head request for "mariadb:latest", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "bbilly1/tubearchivist:latest", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "grafana/grafana:latest", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "gitea/gitea:latest", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "impworks/bonsai:latest", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "postgres:alpine", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "wordpress:latest", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "prom/prometheus:latest", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "prom/snmp-exporter:latest", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "mongo:5.0", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "registry:2", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "portainer/portainer-ce:latest", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "gitea/act_runner:latest", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "bbilly1/tubearchivist-es:latest", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "redis/redis-stack-server:latest", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "rocketchat/hubot-rocketchat:latest", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "jitsi/jicofo:stable-9111", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "jitsi/jvb:stable-9111", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "jitsi/prosody:stable-9111", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
Could not do a head request for "jitsi/web:stable-9111", falling back to regular pull.
Reason: unsupported challenge type from registry
altfoxie commented 5 months ago

Hi! To make work with Watchtower, you can pass the HTTPS_PROXY and NO_PROXY environment variables similar to the Docker Engine.

Example Compose configuration:

    image: containrrr/watchtower
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      HTTPS_PROXY: "socks5://"
      NO_PROXY: "*"

I think I should add this to the documentation. Thanks for helping to find this issue!