hueristiq / xurlfind3r

A command-line interface (CLI) based passive URLs discovery utility. It is designed to efficiently identify known URLs of given domains by tapping into a multitude of curated online passive sources.
MIT License
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Output save in File #4

Closed awais922609 closed 2 years ago

awais922609 commented 2 years ago

Hello , Really great tool but I noticed that there is no option for saving output in a file that causes a lot of problem for me. It would be really really best if you kindly add this feature to this tool for saving output in a file.

enenumxela commented 2 years ago

Great, I will add the option. For the time being perhaps you could pipe the results to a file like sigurlfind3r -d [DOMAIN] --silent > urls.txt

Elsfa7-110 commented 2 years ago

also you can make it easily by | anew -q xxx.txt and use -s to output urls only