huerlisi / bookyt

Bookyt is a bookkeeping/ERP application designed for small-to-medium-sized companies. It can handle debit invoices, credit invoices, projects with timelogs, swiss salary management, and much more.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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A lot of pieces of interface isn't localized to English #119

Open vronin opened 8 years ago

vronin commented 8 years ago

I am on the dashboard screen and I can see "Offene Posten" "Attachment importieren"

Literally each screen which I saw had something which is not translated to Enlighs.

vronin commented 8 years ago

Some of them are not localized (keys are not added to bookyt.en) and some of them are hardcoded into views (like "Offene Posten")

huerlisi commented 8 years ago

Yepp, you're right:-(

I'm happy to take contributions;-) I'll tackle those translations I pass by...