huerlisi / bookyt

Bookyt is a bookkeeping/ERP application designed for small-to-medium-sized companies. It can handle debit invoices, credit invoices, projects with timelogs, swiss salary management, and much more.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Wrong Apostrophs are used everywhere… →’ that’s the right one. → ' wrong one #130

Open amanda-sauter opened 8 years ago

huerlisi commented 8 years ago

Thanks for reporting this!

I need some more information to properly fix this:

  1. how do I even enter this ’?
  2. Is this for the text strings or for the number separators?
amanda-sauter commented 8 years ago
  1. It depends on your keyboard. On my Swiss-Mac-Keyboard you get the Apostroph like this: alt + shift + ! (U+2019)
  2. The Apostroph is used for number separators (2’000) or in Text (it’s). For English quotes you use these: bla, They should look like 66bla99, depending on your Font you see it better or worse. For German quotes you use these: bla, They should look like 99bla66. You could also use these «bla»(Guillemets. Common in Switzerland), or like this »bla« (used in Germany)