huerlisi / bookyt

Bookyt is a bookkeeping/ERP application designed for small-to-medium-sized companies. It can handle debit invoices, credit invoices, projects with timelogs, swiss salary management, and much more.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Upgrades from rails to #137

Closed jch-wtag closed 7 years ago

jch-wtag commented 7 years ago


Ruby 2.3, Hash responds to to_proc, which triggers an unexpected bug in ActiveRecord 3.2. In bookyt this happens while searching person using postgres full text search and generates TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String error message. There is a PR referenced which fixed it ( Rails has been released after the PR has been merged so it contains the fix.

luxflux commented 7 years ago

Looks good to me. @huerlisi, as you tried ruby 2.3 reverted back to 2.2, mind having a look here? Where there other places where it failed?

luxflux commented 7 years ago

@huerlisi any news on this one?

huerlisi commented 7 years ago

Looks good to me!

Thanks for this.