huerlisi / bookyt

Bookyt is a bookkeeping/ERP application designed for small-to-medium-sized companies. It can handle debit invoices, credit invoices, projects with timelogs, swiss salary management, and much more.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
186 stars 40 forks source link

migrate primary keys from int to bigint #139

Closed rda-wtag closed 5 years ago

rda-wtag commented 5 years ago

Basecamp(where rails born) was down for some hours because they forgot to migrate int to bigintfor primary column and their table rows exceeds the int range. Here is the tweet of the rails creator about it: It is available in rails 5.1.

luxflux commented 5 years ago

@huerlisi see any issues with this change?

huerlisi commented 5 years ago


huerlisi commented 5 years ago

Thanks @rda-wtag!