hugesuccess / famous

Famous Library packaged for Meteor.
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Some links I found.. #1

Open ghost opened 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago




METEOR - FAMOUS by @jperl

ghost commented 10 years ago

From meteor talk

Abigail Watson: so, I logged into, and apparently I'm number 74,214 in line. Ouch! So, with 500 new people per day, and 30 days per month, that works out to be like 5 months before getting access? Yikes. Meteor 1.0 will probably be out first......

hugesuccess commented 10 years ago

After 1 day my number went up! So at this pace, never. So disappointing.

It seems strange that the reasoning for the partition is that youtube/github can't handle the bandwidth of 75,000 ppl downloading their source code and streaming their tutorials. The demo last night was interesting b/c they didn't actually show the apps or code, but had a bunch of people that just learned JS talking about it (double fishy). Not really open-source IMHO also. It's probs for the best (super/duper buggy).

I read the docs last night on github (glad they put them up on their site, seems important). The API is pretty straight forward, I like the way that it's structured (lots of really smart things like chaining). It looks well thought out. But they don't mention how to bind data to a view/surface (Seems super important). The event model is bad (reactivity is way better IMHO). Also IDK if it's really declarative JavaScript? It feels a lot like Sencha Touch (which was free and now costs $) or jQuery Mobile. Also no Hello World tutorial, but they say they really care about the docs(?).

It looks like they did an amazing physics engine/render engine and spent 0 time thinking about how you structure modern applications. But I still think it would be super awesome if there where a meteor pollyfill. Where you could still do html templates w/ reactivity just like normal, bind event handlers just like normal and under the hood it used to render/animate faster. Sigh... maybe someday.

Looks like we're still stuck in the wonderful world of CSS my friend.

I think maybe the Meteor community would get a kick out of this in the meantime.

Also check out this script. Init's the home page app. I looked at all those require statements and judged it a little.