huggingface / accelerate

🚀 A simple way to launch, train, and use PyTorch models on almost any device and distributed configuration, automatic mixed precision (including fp8), and easy-to-configure FSDP and DeepSpeed support
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infer_auto_device_map inefficiently allocates GPU memory for models with imbalanced module sizes #3041

Open Nech-C opened 2 weeks ago

Nech-C commented 2 weeks ago

System Info

- `Accelerate` version: 0.33.0
- Platform: Windows-10-10.0.22631-SP0
- `accelerate` bash location: C:\Users\Nech\anaconda3\envs\transformer-multi-device\Scripts\accelerate.exe
- Python version: 3.11.9
- Numpy version: 1.26.4
- PyTorch version (GPU?): 2.4.0+cu118 (True)
- PyTorch XPU available: False
- PyTorch NPU available: False
- PyTorch MLU available: False
- PyTorch MUSA available: False
- System RAM: 15.86 GB
- GPU type: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop GPU
- `Accelerate` default config:
        Not found




Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a Segformer model from the Transformers library or any model with a disproportionally largest layer.
  2. Compute the model's module sizes.
  3. Set max_memory for CUDA device(s) to less than the size of the largest layer, but more than some smaller layers combined.
  4. Run infer_auto_device_map with `no_split_module_classes=[] and the defined max_memory.
  5. Observe the resulting device map.

    Code example

    from transformers import SegformerConfig, SegformerModel, SegformerForSemanticSegmentation
    from accelerate import infer_auto_device_map
    from accelerate.utils.modeling import compute_module_sizes

config = SegformerConfig( image_size=64, num_channels=3, num_encoder_blocks=4, depths=[1, 1, 1, 1], sr_ratios=[8, 4, 2, 1], hidden_sizes=[8, 8, 16, 16], num_attention_heads=[1, 1, 2, 2], hidden_act="gelu", hidden_dropout_prob=0.1, attention_probs_dropout_prob=0.1, initializer_range=0.02, )

Segformer has a huge single layer that cannot be split

model = SegformerForSemanticSegmentation(config) model_sizes = compute_module_sizes(model) model_size = model_sizes[""]

0.7 is one of the split ratios defined for device offload tests in the Transformers library

split_ratio = 0.7 max_memory = {0: int(split_ratio model_size), "cpu": model_size 2}

print(f"model size: {model_size}, max memory: {max_memory}") print( infer_auto_device_map( model, max_memory=max_memory, no_split_module_classes=[] ) )


model size: 1195632, max memory: {0: 836942, 'cpu': 2391264} OrderedDict([('', 'cpu')])

As shown above, no module is allocated to the GPU while there is enough space on it, and there are modules that can be allocated to it.

### Expected behavior

The function should allocate modules to the GPU if possible. When it does allocate modules to the GPU, it should efficiently utilize the space in the GPU for a model with imbalanced module sizes.

Here is a simple breakdown of the module sizes of the Segformer model:

: 1195632 segformer: 87648 segformer.encoder: 87648 decode_head: 1107984 decode_head.linear_c: 53248 decode_head.linear_fuse: 1048576 decode_head.batch_norm: 4104 decode_head.classifier: 2056

When we increase the max_memory for the GPU by making the split ratio 0.9 (again, 0.9 is another split ratio used in the tests), some modules are allocated to the GPU in an insufficient way:

Toal model size: 1195632, max memory: {0: 1076068, 'cpu': 2391264} OrderedDict([('segformer.encoder.patch_embeddings', 0),
('segformer.encoder.block.0.0.layer_norm_1', 0),
('segformer.encoder.block.0.0.attention.self.query', 0),
('segformer.encoder.block.0.0.attention.self.key', 0),
('segformer.encoder.block.0.0.attention.self.value', 0),
('segformer.encoder.block.0.0.attention.self.dropout', 0),
('', 'cpu'), ('segformer.encoder.block.0.0.attention.self.layer_norm', 'cpu'), ('segformer.encoder.block.0.0.attention.output', 'cpu'), ('segformer.encoder.block.0.0.drop_path', 'cpu'), ('segformer.encoder.block.0.0.layer_norm_2', 'cpu'), ('segformer.encoder.block.0.0.mlp', 'cpu'), ('segformer.encoder.block.1', 'cpu'), ('segformer.encoder.block.2', 'cpu'), ('segformer.encoder.block.3', 'cpu'), ('segformer.encoder.layer_norm', 'cpu'), ('decode_head', 'cpu')])

The space allocated to the GPU is significantly less than the defined max_memory for the GPU for both the 0.7 and 0.9 split cases.

After looking into the `infer_auto_device_map` function, I believe the logic might not be working as intended for models with highly imbalanced module sizes like Segformer:

max_layer_size, max_layer_names = get_max_layer_size(modules_to_treat, module_sizes, no_split_module_classes)

while len(modules_to_treat) > 0: name, module = modules_to_treat.pop(0) module_size = module_sizes[name]

device = devices[current_device]
current_max_size = max_memory[device] if device != "disk" else None
current_memory_reserved = 0

if devices[current_device] in main_devices:
    current_max_size = current_max_size - max_layer_size
    current_memory_reserved = max_layer_size

if current_max_size is not None and current_memory_used + module_size > current_max_size:

Split or not split?

modules_children = (
    if isinstance(module, nn.Parameter) or isinstance(module, torch.Tensor)
    else list(module.named_children())
if len(modules_children) == 0 or module.__class__.__name__ in no_split_module_classes:
    # -> no split, we go to the next device
    device_memory_used[device] = current_memory_used + current_memory_reserved
    current_device += 1
    modules_to_treat = [(name, module)] + modules_to_treat
    current_memory_used = 0
    # -> split, we replace the module studied by its children + parameters
    modules_children = list(module.named_parameters(recurse=False)) + modules_children
    modules_to_treat = [(f"{name}.{n}", v) for n, v in modules_children] + modules_to_treat

While trying to determine whether to allocate a `module` to the current device, this code reserves space for the largest layer on the current main device. In other words, the current device needs to have more memory than the size of `module` plus the size of the largest layer just for `module` to be allocated on it. For Segformer, where the decode_head (1,107,984 bytes) is significantly larger than other layers, this approach may be too conservative, leaving little room for other layers on the GPU.

The module is allocated to the current device when the condition is met. Otherwise, it will try to split the module or move to the next device when the module cannot be split.  However, once it moves to the next device (i.e., CPU), it never goes back to the GPU, even if there's available space. This could explain why smaller modules aren't being allocated to the GPU after the decode_head is moved to the CPU.

I encountered this issue while working to enable `device_map='auto'` for some models in the Transformers library. Offload tests for those models fail because the entire model is allocated to the CPU or disk. I have reported this problem in [this issue]( Since I am unfamiliar with this library, I don't know if this is the expected behavior of the function. Thank you for reading this!
Nech-C commented 2 weeks ago

I'm sorry if my original issue was unclear. This is my first bug report. I have modified it; hopefully, it's easier to understand now. I will explain the problem in a few sentences.
When calling infer_auto_device_map, if the max_memory assigns the cuda device/cpu a max memory that is less than the largest layer size of the model, no layer will be allocated to it. The amount of memory used for a main device is <= defined max_memory - largest layer size. While this may not be an issue for most cases, it causes offload/parallelism tests in from the Transformers library to fail since they use the model's size as a reference. Can you guys tell me whether it's the expected behavior so that we can start enabling device_map="auto" for more models? Thank you so much!

BenjaminBossan commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks for reporting this issue. I agree that this looks like there is room for improvement in order to allow as many modules as possible to be loaded on the fastest device. To me, this looks like a Knapsack problem, so finding an optimal solution could become quite interesting. But I'll let @muellerzr and @SunMarc comment on this, who have more background knowledge.

SunMarc commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @Nech-C, thanks for the detailed report ! You have a very good understanding of the situation. This could indeed be improved as infer_auto_device_map doesn't perform well for unbalanced models. This is something i'm aware of. As you said, there are two points that can be improved and here are my thoughts:

1) The current device needs to have more memory than the size of module plus the size of the largest layer just for module to be allocated on it.

This is required in case we perform cpu/disk offloading as we need to bring the largest offloaded layer to the gpu. One way to solve that is to create the device_map without the hypothesis that we will have offloaded layers. If we end up with offloaded layers, we redo the calculation with that hypothesis. Another solution would be check if the memory of the model < memory of the gpus. If that's not the case, we do the calculation without the hypothesis. However, we might still face issues with unbalanced models.

2) However, once it moves to the next device (i.e., CPU), it never goes back to the GPU, even if there's available space.

We can improve that part indeed. Since most transformers have balanced modules, It was working fine. For example, we can still consider coming back to the previous device if it has at least 10% of space that is available. The reasoning behind moving to the next device was to limit movement across devices as this will make inference slower. 1->2->3 and not 1->2->1->2->3.

If you are up to the challenge, feel free to open a PR to fix those two points ! I can have a look later !

Nech-C commented 2 weeks ago

@SunMarc Thank you so much for your detailed response! I appreciate your insights into the problem. I'd love to take on this challenge. It might take me a little time to get up to speed with the library, but I'm excited to give it a try. Can I reach out with any questions as I work on this?

SunMarc commented 2 weeks ago

Nice, thanks for helping ! Yes, feel free to ask any questions !

Nech-C commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @SunMarc,

I've been digging into the code, and this is more complicated than I first thought. I agree that conditionally calculating the device_map may not fully solve the problem. So, I think we can address this in two separate PRs.

PR no. 1 (quick fix):

  1. Add warnings when no modules are assigned to a main device due to low max_memory.
  2. Report the minimum memory needed for at least one module assignment with the warnings. For example, according to the current logic, this value will be the (first immediate non-splittable module) + (the largest layer) for the first device.
  3. Add a new parameter fallback_allocation. When set to True, it will attempt an alternative assignment if max_memory is sufficient for some (non-splittable module) + (largest layer) but insufficient for the default assignment attempt. This makes sure at least one module is assigned to the potential execution device and likely won't break other code.

PR no. 2 (optimization): Work on your idea about utilizing space on main devices more efficiently. We'd add a new parameter so users can choose to maximize main device use.

Do you think this approach sounds good to you? If you agree, I can start working on the first pr soon. Let me know if you have any suggestions or concerns about this plan!