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No compiler check for operation on different tensor type. #2115

Open npuichigo opened 3 weeks ago

npuichigo commented 3 weeks ago
let a = Tensor::new(&[3u8], &candle::Device::Cpu)?;
let b = a / 4f64;

What's the value of tensor b? Wow, it's Ok(Tensor[0; u8]). Rust compiler rejects code like 3u8 / 4f64, while it's legal in tensor operation but return wrong result.

I can say these lines are wrong for cifar dataset, and all image here are just all zero u8.

Any insights on compiler check for operation on different type tensor? Or it's by design? @LaurentMazare

LaurentMazare commented 3 weeks ago

It's kind of by design though I agree that it's not ideal. The Tensor type does not expose the tensor dtypes so we cannot really express the constraints of a scalar multiplication or addition at run time. Still it's quite convenient to be able to say multiply the values in the tensor by a constant or add a constant, so affine operations using a f64 are supported for all tensors with "rounded" semantics.