huggingface / candle

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quantized_llama ModelWeights path used in quantized Phi3 #2125

Closed AntBlo closed 2 weeks ago

AntBlo commented 2 weeks ago

quantized_llama seems wrong here in the quantized-phi model: Shouldn't it be from candle_transformers::models::quantized_phi? Haven't tested it, but saw it while reading

LaurentMazare commented 2 weeks ago

That's actually expected: phi v3 is a llama architecture and not at all the same as phi 1 and 2, they removed all the specificities of the model (biases, parallel mlp, etc) so it was far easier to plug in the quantized-llama example - and the same is done in llama.cpp where the model is reported as a llama model rather than a phi one.

AntBlo commented 2 weeks ago

Aah, okay. Sorry for the confusion ^^; And thanks for the explanation! Closing this