huggingface / chat-ui

Open source codebase powering the HuggingChat app
Apache License 2.0
6.73k stars 940 forks source link


Open solanki-aman opened 2 weeks ago

solanki-aman commented 2 weeks ago

I am experiencing this error. I'm on a corporate VPN and I tried turning it off and still the same error. The TLS reject is set to false as well.

71.61 npm error errno SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN
71.61 npm error request to, reason: self-signed certificate in certificate chain

nsarrazin commented 2 weeks ago

How are you building/deploying the app ? Using a docker image or building from source ?

solanki-aman commented 2 weeks ago

@nsarrazin - Using docker