huggingface / chat-ui

Open source codebase powering the HuggingChat app
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Preventing users from going to other pages during generation. #1310

Open calycekr opened 2 days ago

calycekr commented 2 days ago

Shouldn't it be better to prevent users from going to other conversations and the main screen while the answer is being generated? If you go to another screen while an answer is being generated, a bug occurs.

When I click the "New Chat" button during generation, it seems to have some kind of prevention mechanism like isAborted.set(true).

neven4 commented 1 day ago

Do you think this is necessary? The chat history is saved and you can always click the retry button

krakenftw commented 1 day ago

can i work on this? @nsarrazin

calycekr commented 1 day ago

@neven4 It becomes very strange when I go to another page during generation and come back again except new chat button. Is it just me?