huggingface / chat-ui

Open source codebase powering the HuggingChat app
Apache License 2.0
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[v0.9.1] Error: "Cannot resolve directory $env" #1312

Open adhishthite opened 2 days ago

adhishthite commented 2 days ago


For all client-side components, I get this:

"Cannot resolve directory $env"
image image

This issue prevents a Docker run, because PUBLIC_ASSETS is not found.

@nsarrazin Please help.

nsarrazin commented 2 days ago

Something is not building correctly, are you using the dockerfile provided in the chat-ui repo? Are you using a fork or is this from the chat-ui repo ?

adhishthite commented 2 days ago

@nsarrazin the standard Dockerfile provided in the repo, from v0.9.1