huggingface / distil-whisper

Distilled variant of Whisper for speech recognition. 6x faster, 50% smaller, within 1% word error rate.
MIT License
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transcription results are inconsistent and timestamps are None type. Issue appears in the latest version of the transformers==4.38.1. #91

Open kranipa opened 4 months ago

kranipa commented 4 months ago

transcription results are inconsistent and timestamps are None type. Issue appears in the latest version of the transformers==4.38.1.

example code.

processor = WhisperProcessor.from_pretrained("distil-whisper/distil-large-v2")
model = AutoModelForSpeechSeq2Seq.from_pretrained("distil-whisper/distil-large-v2", 

pipe = pipeline(




{'text': " Hello? Hello? Hello? I didn't know you were there. Neither did I. Okay, I thought, you know, I heard a beep. This is Diane in New Jersey. And I'm Sheila and Texas, originally from Chicago. Oh, I'm originally from Chicago also. I'm in New Jersey now, though. Well, there isn't that much difference. At least, you know, they all call me a Yankee down here, so what kind of thinks. Oh, I don't hear that, th", 'chunks': [{'timestamp': (0.0, 11.92), 'text': " Hello? Hello? Hello? I didn't know you were there. Neither did I. Okay, I thought, you know,"}, {'timestamp': (11.92, 17.92), 'text': " I heard a beep. This is Diane in New Jersey. And I'm Sheila and Texas, originally from Chicago."}, {'timestamp': (17.92, 21.6), 'text': " Oh, I'm originally from Chicago also. I'm in New Jersey now, though."}, {'timestamp': (21.6, 28.0), 'text': " Well, there isn't that much difference. At least, you know, they all call me a Yankee down here, so what kind of thinks."}, {'timestamp': (28.0, None), 'text': " Oh, I don't hear that, th"}]}

timestamps are None for transformers==4.38.1


Whisper did not predict an ending timestamp, which can happen if audio is cut off in the middle of a word. Also make sure WhisperTimeStampLogitsProcessor was used during generation.


{'text': " Hello? Hello? Oh, hello, I didn't know you were there. Neither did I. Okay, I thought, you know, I heard a beep. This is Diane in New Jersey. And I'm Sheila and Texas, originally from Chicago. Oh, I'm originally from Chicago also. I'm in New Jersey now, though. Well, there isn't that much difference. At least, you know, they all call me a Yankee down here, so what kind of that. Oh, I don't hear that in New Jersey now.", 'chunks': [{'timestamp': (None, None), 'text': " Hello? Hello? Oh, hello, I didn't know you were there. Neither did I. Okay, I thought, you know, I heard a beep. This is Diane in New Jersey. And I'm Sheila and Texas, originally from Chicago. Oh, I'm originally from Chicago also. I'm in New Jersey now, though. Well, there isn't that much difference. At least, you know, they all call me a Yankee down here, so what kind of that. Oh, I don't hear that in New Jersey now."}]}