I am very new to HuggingFace and machine learning in general. I understand that the Blip model is not supported for conversion to coreml. Can this be added to this repo? If not, Is there a way I can write my own conversion code?
Conversion Settings:
Model: Salesforce/blip2-opt-2.7b
Task: None
Framework: None
Compute Units: None
Precision: None
Tolerance: None
Push to: None
Error: "blip is not supported yet. Only ['bart', 'beit', 'bert', 'big_bird', 'bigbird_pegasus', 'blenderbot', 'blenderbot_small', 'bloom', 'convnext', 'ctrl', 'cvt', 'data2vec', 'distilbert', 'ernie', 'gpt2', 'gpt_neo', 'levit', 'm2m_100', 'marian', 'mobilebert', 'mobilevit', 'mvp', 'pegasus', 'plbart', 'roberta', 'roformer', 'segformer', 'splinter', 'squeezebert', 't5', 'vit', 'yolos'] are supported. If you want to support blip please propose a PR or open up an issue."
I am very new to HuggingFace and machine learning in general. I understand that the Blip model is not supported for conversion to coreml. Can this be added to this repo? If not, Is there a way I can write my own conversion code?
Conversion Settings: