huggingface / huggingface_hub

The official Python client for the Huggingface Hub.
Apache License 2.0
1.84k stars 473 forks source link

ImportError: huggingface-hub>=0.19.3,<1.0 is required for a normal functioning of this module, but found huggingface-hub==0.17.1 #2377

Open nlpkiddo-2001 opened 6 days ago

nlpkiddo-2001 commented 6 days ago

Hi, I have installed huggingface-hub latest version 0.23.4, but I am getting the below error while running my code. My python version is 3.9.14 and CUDA Version is 12.4. I am using a Linux x86_64 arch machine. I will share my environment details along with this. Please help me to fix this. Thanks In Advance.

ImportError: huggingface-hub>=0.19.3,<1.0 is required for a normal functioning of this module, but found huggingface-hub==0.17.1

### Pip package List

aiohttp                           3.9.3
antlr4-python3-runtime            4.8
astunparse                        1.6.3
attrs                             17.3.0
beautifulsoup4                    4.11.1
bitarray                          2.6.2
bleach                            5.0.1
blis                              0.7.9
boto3                             1.26.0
botocore                          1.29.44
Bottleneck                        1.3.5
cachetools                        5.2.0
catalogue                         2.0.8
certifi                           2024.7.4
chardet                           3.0.4
charset-normalizer                2.1.1
click                             7.1.2
cloudpickle                       2.2.0
cmake                             3.30.0
colorama                          0.4.6
confection                        0.0.4
contourpy                         1.0.6
cryptography                      36.0.0
ctranslate2                       3.18.0
cupy-cuda11x                      12.2.0
cycler                            0.10.0
cymem                             2.0.7
Cython                            0.29.32
cytoolz                           0.12.0
dask                              2022.12.1
dill                              0.3.5
distributed                       2022.12.1
dlib                              19.17.0
dnspython                         2.2.1
easyocr                           1.6.2
eli5                              0.13.0
et-xmlfile                        1.1.0
face-recognition                  1.2.3
face-recognition-models           0.3.0
fairseq                           0.12.2
fastai                            1.0.60
fastapi                           0.103.2
fastprogress                      1.0.3
fastrlock                         0.8.2
featuretools                      0.5.1
filelock                          3.10.4
flatbuffers                       22.12.6
fonttools                         4.38.0
fsspec                            2023.5.0
future                            0.18.2
fvcore                            0.1.5.post20221221
gast                              0.4.0
gensim                            4.2.0
gibberish-detector                0.1.1
google-auth                       2.15.0
google-auth-oauthlib              0.4.6
google-pasta                      0.2.0
graphviz                          0.20.1
grpcio                            1.51.1
h5py                              3.6.0
hdbscan                           0.8.37
HeapDict                          1.0.1
hnswlib                           0.6.2
holidays                          0.9.9
html5lib                          0.9999999
huggingface-hub                   0.23.4
hydra-core                        1.0.7
hyperopt                          0.1.1
idna                              3.4
imageio                           2.23.0
imbalanced-learn                  0.8.1
importlib-metadata                6.0.0
imutils                           0.4.5
inflect                           6.0.1
install                           1.3.5
iopath                            0.1.9
Jinja2                            3.1.2
jmespath                          1.0.1
joblib                            1.2.0
keras                             2.10.0
Keras-Preprocessing               1.1.2
kiwisolver                        1.1.0
kmodes                            0.10.1
langcodes                         3.3.0
layoutparser                      0.3.4
libclang                          14.0.6
llvmlite                          0.39.0
lm-format-enforcer                0.10.1
locket                            1.0.0
lxml                              4.9.2
Markdown                          3.4.1
MarkupSafe                        2.1.1
matplotlib                        3.6.0
mlxtend                           0.19.0
more-itertools                    9.0.0
msgpack                           1.0.4
multi-rake                        0.0.2
murmurhash                        1.0.9
networkx                          2.8.8
ninja                             1.11.1
nltk                              3.8
numba                             0.56.0
numexpr                           2.8.7
numpy                             1.26.4
nvidia-cuda-cupti-cu12            12.5.82
nvidia-cuda-nvrtc-cu12            12.5.82
nvidia-cuda-runtime-cu12          12.5.82
nvidia-ml-py                      12.535.133
nvidia-ml-py3                     7.352.0
nvidia-nccl-cu12                  2.22.3
nvidia-nvtx-cu12                  12.5.82
oauthlib                          3.1.0
omegaconf                         2.0.6
openai                            1.0.0
openpyxl                          3.1.2
opt-einsum                        3.3.0
outlines                          0.0.43
packaging                         22.0
pandas                            1.3.5
partd                             1.2.0
pathy                             0.10.1
patsy                             0.5.3
pdf2image                         1.17.0
pdfminer.six                      20221105
pdfplumber                        0.8.0
PeakUtils                         1.3.0
phonenumbers                      8.12.55
Pillow                            9.4.0
pip                               22.0.4
pluggy                            0.6.0
portalocker                       2.6.0
portend                           3.1.0
preshed                           3.0.8
presidio-analyzer                 2.2.32
presidio-anonymizer               2.2.32
prometheus-client                 0.18.0
prometheus-fastapi-instrumentator 7.0.0
protobuf                          4.21.12
psutil                            5.9.4
py                                1.11.0
py-cpuinfo                        7.0.0
py-spy                            0.3.14
pyarrow                           14.0.1
pyasn1                            0.4.8
pyasn1-modules                    0.2.8
pybind11                          2.10.3
pycld2                            0.41
pycocotools                       2.0.7
pycparser                         2.21
pycryptodome                      3.16.0
pydantic                          2.0
pyIsEmail                         2.0.1
pymongo                           4.3.3
PyMySQL                           0.7.6
pyod                              0.7.4
pyparsing                         2.4.5
PyPDF2                            3.0.1
pyrsistent                        0.19.3
pysbd                             0.3.3
pytest                            3.4.2
pytest-html                       1.16.0
pytest-metadata                   2.0.4
python-dateutil                   2.8.0
pytz                              2022.7
PyWavelets                        1.4.1
PyYAML                            6.0
ray                               2.9.0
regex                             2022.10.31
repoze.lru                        0.7
requests                          2.28.1
requests-file                     1.5.1
requests-oauthlib                 1.3.1
rsa                               4.0
s3fs                              0.4.2
s3transfer                        0.6.0
sacrebleu                         2.3.1
sacremoses                        0.0.53
safetensors                       0.4.1
scikit-image                      0.19.3
scikit-learn                      1.2.0
scipy                             1.9.3
sentence-transformers             2.7.0
sentencepiece                     0.1.96
setuptools                        58.1.0
shap                              0.41.0
six                               1.16.0
slicer                            0.0.7
smart-open                        6.3.0
sortedcontainers                  2.4.0
soupsieve                         2.0
spacy                             3.5.1
spacy-legacy                      3.0.11
srsly                             2.4.5
statsmodels                       0.13.2
tabulate                          0.9.0
tblib                             1.7.0
tempora                           5.2.0
tensorboard                       2.10.1
tensorboard-data-server           0.6.1
tensorboard-plugin-wit            1.6.0.post3
tensorflow                        2.16.2
tensorflow-estimator              2.15.0
tensorflow-hub                    0.16.1
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem      0.37.1
termcolor                         2.2.0
thinc                             8.1.12
threadpoolctl                     3.1.0
tifffile                          2022.10.10
tiktoken                          0.6.0
tldextract                        3.4.0
tokenizers                        0.19.1
toolz                             0.12.0
torch                             2.3.0
torchaudio                        2.3.0
torchvision                       0.18.0
tornado                           6.2
tqdm                              4.64.0
transformers                      4.40.1
tsfresh                           0.16.0
typer                             0.3.2
typing_extensions                 4.11.0
urllib3                           1.26.19
uvicorn                           0.23.2
vaderSentiment                    3.3.1
vllm                              0.5.0.post1
vllm-flash-attn                   2.5.9
Wand                              0.6.10
wasabi                            0.10.1
websocket-client                  1.4.2
Werkzeug                          2.2.2
wrapt                             1.14.1
xformers                          0.0.26.post1
xgboost                           0.81
xlrd                              2.0.1
zc.lockfile                       2.0
zict                              2.2.0
zipp                              3.11.0```
ajayspatil7 commented 6 days ago

Can you try installing it this way pip install --upgrade huggingface_hub Let Me Know if it works or not. :)

nlpkiddo-2001 commented 5 days ago

@ajayspatil7 tried that, still getting the same issue

Wauplin commented 3 days ago

Hi @nlpkiddo-2001, sorry you're facing this issue. Are you using Python3.7? This could explain why you can't find a version above 0.17.1 since Python 3.7 support has been removed last year -and Python 3.8 end of support is supposed to happen soon as well-. For a correct installation, it is recommended to use Python 3.10 for instance (or even higher if your setup allows it).