huggingface / lighteval

Lighteval is your all-in-one toolkit for evaluating LLMs across multiple backends
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[BUG] ValueError: You can't create a model without either a list of model_args or a model_config_path. #297

Closed Vanessa-Taing closed 2 months ago

Vanessa-Taing commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

Trying to run the evaluation using quantization model/ inference endpoint, because the GPU method causes cuda out of memory. However, I am unable to use the model_config_path in the argument, value error is returned.

To Reproduce

  1. Git clone the project
  2. Pip install . in virtual environment
  3. Modified yaml files:

Full log:

2024-09-10 17:14:50.679383: I tensorflow/core/util/] oneDNN custom operations are on. You may see slightly different numerical results due to floating-point round-off errors from different computation orders. To turn them off, set the environment variable `TF_ENABLE_ONEDNN_OPTS=0`.
2024-09-10 17:14:50.853234: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuFFT factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuFFT when one has already been registered
2024-09-10 17:14:50.918535: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuDNN factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuDNN when one has already been registered
2024-09-10 17:14:50.937413: E external/local_xla/xla/stream_executor/cuda/] Unable to register cuBLAS factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuBLAS when one has already been registered
2024-09-10 17:14:51.061512: I tensorflow/core/platform/] This TensorFlow binary is optimized to use available CPU instructions in performance-critical operations.
To enable the following instructions: AVX2 AVX512F AVX512_VNNI AVX512_BF16 FMA, in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.
2024-09-10 17:14:51.917501: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT
INFO:absl:Using default tokenizer.
INFO:absl:Using default tokenizer.
INFO:absl:Using default tokenizer.
INFO:absl:Using default tokenizer.
INFO:absl:Using default tokenizer.
WARNING:lighteval.logging.hierarchical_logger:main: (0, Namespace(subcommand='accelerate', model_config_path='C:\\Users\\CSOC\\Documents\\lighteval\\lighteval\\examples\\model_configs\\endpoint_model.yaml', model_args=None, max_samples=None, override_batch_size=-1, job_id='', output_dir='output_dir', save_details=False, push_to_hub=False, push_to_tensorboard=False, public_run=False, results_org=None, use_chat_template=False, system_prompt=None, dataset_loading_processes=1, custom_tasks=None, tasks='bigbench|fact_checker|0|0', cache_dir=None, num_fewshot_seeds=1)),  {
WARNING:lighteval.logging.hierarchical_logger:} [0:00:00.035451]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/project/anaconda3/envs/lighteval/bin/lighteval", line 8, in <module>
  File "/home/project/anaconda3/envs/lighteval/lib/python3.10/site-packages/lighteval/", line 58, in cli_evaluate
  File "/home/project/anaconda3/envs/lighteval/lib/python3.10/site-packages/lighteval/logging/", line 175, in wrapper
    return fn(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/project/anaconda3/envs/lighteval/lib/python3.10/site-packages/lighteval/", line 70, in main
    model_config = create_model_config(
  File "/home/project/anaconda3/envs/lighteval/lib/python3.10/site-packages/lighteval/models/", line 327, in create_model_config
    raise ValueError("You can't create a model without either a list of model_args or a model_config_path.")     
ValueError: You can't create a model without either a list of model_args or a model_config_path.

Expected behavior

The evaluation will run on inference endpoints/ quantization method.

Version info

OS: Ubuntu (WSL) python: 3.10 Cuda: 12.2 Commit: 7261d80

NathanHB commented 2 months ago

Hi ! Thanks for the report, this should be fixed in: #298

Vanessa-Taing commented 2 months ago

The bug was solved, thank you!