huggingface / nanotron

Minimalistic large language model 3D-parallelism training
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Make Pipeline Parallelism Optional #153

Closed XinDongol closed 1 month ago

XinDongol commented 4 months ago

When build a customized model, do we need to make sure all blocks are PipelineBlock? Was trying to build a model with only data parallism and tensor parallism but got error in line thresholds = [block_cumulative_costs[-1] * ((rank + 1) / pp_size) for rank in range(pp_size)]

def build_model(
    model_builder: Callable[[], NanotronModel],
    parallel_context: ParallelContext,
    dtype: torch.dtype,
    target_pp_ranks: Optional[List[int]] = None,
    device: Optional[torch.device] = torch.device("cuda"),
) -> NanotronModel:
    """Build the model and set the pp ranks for each pipeline block."""
    # TODO: classes dont take same args
    log_rank("Building model..", logger=logger, level=logging.INFO, rank=0, group=parallel_context.world_pg)
    model: NanotronModel = model_builder()

    # If no target pp ranks are specified, we assume that we want to use all pp ranks
    if target_pp_ranks is None:
        pp_size = parallel_context.pp_pg.size()
        target_pp_ranks = list(range(pp_size))
        pp_size = len(target_pp_ranks)

    # Set rank for each pipeline block
    log_rank("Setting PP block ranks...", logger=logger, level=logging.INFO, rank=0, group=parallel_context.world_pg)
    pipeline_blocks = [module for name, module in model.named_modules() if isinstance(module, PipelineBlock)]
    # "cuda" is already defaulted for each process to it's own cuda device
    with init_on_device_and_dtype(device=device, dtype=dtype):
        # TODO:

        # Balance compute across PP blocks
        block_compute_costs = model.get_block_compute_costs()
        block_cumulative_costs = np.cumsum(
                block_compute_costs[module.module_builder] if module.module_builder in block_compute_costs else 0
                for module in pipeline_blocks

        thresholds = [block_cumulative_costs[-1] * ((rank + 1) / pp_size) for rank in range(pp_size)]
        assert thresholds[-1] >= block_cumulative_costs[-1]
        target_pp_rank_idx = 0
        for block, cumulative_cost in zip(pipeline_blocks, block_cumulative_costs):
            assert target_pp_rank_idx < pp_size

            if cumulative_cost > thresholds[target_pp_rank_idx]:
                target_pp_rank_idx += 1

        model.input_pp_rank = target_pp_ranks[0]
        model.output_pp_rank = target_pp_ranks[target_pp_rank_idx]
    return model
xrsrke commented 4 months ago

Hello. Yes, you can still build a model without PipelineBlock, but you'll need to make some modifications because the current version of Nanotron's Trainer isn't designed for this

For example, you could bypass the build_model function [link], and directly initialize the model weights.